Dear Friend,
How is your inner rebel these days?
I had a sweet encounter with my inner rebel last week when I decided to stop eating sugar.
Suddenly, even though I didn’t even feel like eating sugar, I heard her very clearly say “nobody is going to tell me what I can or cannot eat.”
No messin’ with her! I had to giggle, because I heard her loud and clear and the truth was that nobody was actually telling me/her that I couldn’t eat anything. It was my own choice to find out what life is like without chocolate!! I know it sounds scary, but I wanted to find out. (So far so good!)
This little encounter showed me how my inner rebel was rebelling against another part of myself. Can you guess which one?
Not the one that chose to stop eating sugar, but the one that restricts me from living and enjoying life to its fullest. Basically the one that tells me what I can and cannot do.
The Meaning of Duality
To me duality means the split we create inside of ourselves and consequently experience a whole battle ground of parts working against each other.
I am talking about all the parts of ourselves that we don’t like, deny, feel ashamed of, reject or criticize. I am sure you know the scene, even if just as a memory.
My rebel was battling against the part of me that is spending too much time in front of the computer writing newsletters, marketing material, creating new programs and classes etc. It is not my favorite place to be, yet it is part of how I give birth to the Message in my Heart and therefore get to do more of what I Love to do…and pay my bills.
The Sweetness of Life
I am glad she spoke up. Instead of grasping for the chocolate as a reaction to too much sitting in front of the computer, I listened to her and then went into the Garden.
My Garden of Eden. It is overflowing with yummie food and beauty. There is no better place to be for me in between my clients and my Mac 🙂
I have been harvesting zucchini, Kaboucha squash, leek, peas, beans, basil, kale, broccoli, cucumbers, cilantro, parsley, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, tomatoes and on it goes. When I do that, my inner rebel has nothing to rebel against. I am following and flowing with my Heart, listening to my little inner rebel, and making sure I am living at One with myself – all of my Self.
I made a big pot of soup. (The recipe is at the bottom)
What is your Flavor?
If you are sabotaging yourself in any way, take a moment and listen to what the saboteur is trying to convey to you. He or she has your best interest in mind, I promise you. The question is just if you are willing to listen to your Saboteur, your Rebel, your Cynic, your….
What is your flavor?
And what does your Heart long for?
Are you going against or along with your Heart?
My Heart loves to enjoy Life, enjoy Love, and help you reconnect back to your Oneness, your Truth and your Heart. That is why I do what I do.
 Meet your Inner Rebel:
If your would like to encounter your inner rebel and see where you are getting in your own way of what your Heart longs for, please contact me for a free Discovery Session
So glad I get your emails. Your words are inspiring to me. I love the picture in my mind created by “my inner rebel was rebelling against another part of myself”. I can feel response, resonance of it. I have parent me, I have child me, I have the voices of important people I grew up with. Who is rebelling against who, and why? Good questions. Interesting answers. Does my rebel saboteur have my best interests at heart. So glad you have this blog so I can post back to you!
(from redwood rumblers)
Great insights and questions Jennifer.
I know that at the core all these parts have our best interest at Heart: survival.
Thanking them and letting them go is a healthy practice, so they get acknowledged for a job well done – and now it is time to move on to better jobs.
The best tool I have in my toolbox for all these parts is to LOVE them – LOVE them all. Love them into Oneness, so nothing and nobody is left out and all can relax.
Love is good medicin 🙂
ALL Love,