If you have followed the previous posts on commitment and considered your success and failure rate in your previous attempts to make a change in life, I hope it has been helpful so far. Today we are going to look at the very important question of What do you really want. Until you know what you want, your attention and intention may not be focused on your True goal, aka the Longing in your Heart.
Over the years I have deepened in my own commitments and found more and more clarity in what I REALLY want. It is not a fancy car, it is not a million bucks, it is not my perfect soul mate, although I am happy to enjoy all of these. But without feeling fulfilled on the deepest level of my Heart, these things will never make me feel peaceful or fulfilled. Only one ‘thing’ can do that, and that is my own Being – the qualities and expression of my own Being – the fabric and root of Peace and fulfillment.
Do you know what you really want?
What Do You Really Want?
For most of us these qualities have been buried so deeply that they may be difficult to get in touch with right away. You need to acknowledge the longings and desires that lie on top of your Being first, before you can finally arrive Home at your deepest deSire in your Heart – and stay Home. If this sounds strange to you, please consider this: As long as the desires on top of the deepest deSire are not acknowledged, they will sit there as a bag of undigested energy. It feels like an unscratched itch and you cannot ignore it. It will come back to you over and over until you ‘scratch’ it. Listen to all these feelings, longing and desires – all the things you want – instead of suppressing and resisting them. These energies need to be transformed and integrated into a deeper – higher – more expansive way of expression. By resisting and denying them, all you get is an itch that itches more and won’t go away.
Scratching The Itch
I have learned over the years, that denying and resisting anything, only makes their energies stronger. It won’t make them go away. Have you noticed?
What does seem to help in transforming these energies is to acknowledge them first, and allowing them to be heard (you scratch the itch). When the grip of resistance turns into an open hand of allowing these energies are liberated. Then, you can direct this freed up energy to a deeper level of longing in your Heart without the annoying underlying itch wanting all of your attention.
ALL Love,
How is that beautiful Heart of yours doing? Are you in touch with its Longing, or maybe you mostly listen to what your mind tells you? If you would like to learn what it’s like to listen to your Heart and Follow it, you can learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic and Mentor at DivineFeminine Flow and if you feel ready just go here to sign up for a free 30 min discovery session.
Hurry with your next post…this is AWESOME! Thank you so very much!