Build a Window of Tolerance
Dear Friends,
What a Blessed day today. I thoroughly enjoy hosting my radio show, Evolutionary Women Radio Show every Tuesday, where I alternate between having a guest on my show and me going solo. Today’s guest was Denise Martini. She is a Hakomi Practitioner like me, and we have known each other since we took the training together in 2000. Her subject was: “What are we really asking for on the healing path to waking up to our true Self?” and we covered a number of deep, rich areas. This title is not really meant to be answered directly, but is an open ended question for deepening your self inquiry. It allows for the next and the next layer of contraction and illusion to dissolve as we descend into our True Heart.
I would like to highlight a term that Denise used which may help clarify some of the things we have talked about recently:
“We need to build a window of tolerance so we can learn to metabolize the intolerable feelings and create a wider band width where new choices emerge.”
Now, how many of us learned to do that when we grew up? I certainly didn’t. In my life that wasn’t even available as a concept, let alone as a real felt experience.
My work as a Hakomi Practitioner has been the classroom in which I learned to do it for myself and for others. It is a new way of Being, where we learn to Allow (my way of saying what Denise so eloquently stated above) what we normally resist, bypass or deny. We do this because these feelings seem too big, scary or painful and we don’t know how to deal with them. We don’t know how to metabolize them, so they get stuck as undigested emotions inside of our emotional and physical body. Resisting and denying may have been a good alternative in the past, but as we all know by now, it didn’t work. It didn’t liberate us from the wounds that still live inside us from our childhood.
As long as we don’t know how to transform them, we unconsciously let them live our lives and prevent us from experiencing what we were hoping for when the inner Call came that put on us this path in the first place.
What to do?
Build a window of tolerance so you can learn to metabolize these intolerable feelings and create a wider band width where new choices emerge.
How do you do that?
Commit to being oh, so kind to yourself, so the grip of fear and sadness inside of you can start to relax and realize that you are OK. You are already OK. You were always OK. The grip in your being, the knot in your stomach is your own lack of love for yourself. What better way to soften these areas than through your own love.
Once you make that commitment, and if you need to, seek help from those who know how to do it and live it in their own lives, your live does change. And the change is for the better and is lasting. But it always comes back to that ‘commitment thing’ doesn’t it?
How deeply do you want to be free?
How deeply do you want to get out of the pain?
How deeply do you want to experience what put you on this path in the first place?
The choice is yours, my Friend. Liberation in your own Heart when you choose it.
Will you create enough band width to make that new choice?
ALL Love,
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