I recently watched this little video (4 min) and it somehow shifted my whole world view. Having been with wonderful teachers and healers like Joel S. Goldsmith, Bruno Groening and Braco, in body or beyond, I was quite familiar with the healing and transforming effect of their Consciousness and how Being in their presence helps me tune my own frequency to a more Coherent Consciousness state.
This is probably not news to you either.
However, watching this little clip on youtube made it all more real to me and helped me drop to a deeper level of commitment to my ‘own’ Consciousness. I finally realized how Consciousness really is the only thing that can and will bring true and lasting Harmony in the world, including ‘my world’, and that it’s up to me to Be that Consciousness consciously – all day long.
Well, it’s really all I want and what better way to spend my time instead of leaving it in order to go ‘out there’ to make things happen.
Don’t get me wrong: It is natural to go out in the world and make things happen. But that would be a whole other blog post.
What Is Your Favorite Hangout Outside Of Coherent Consciousness?
On the video clip you’ll see how the one metronome on the bottom right is the last one to join the Coherence of harmony with the rest.
This happens in all of us. Some parts join in and let go of old limiting patterns, beliefs and behaviors easily and willingly. Some take a little more time. And then… then there is that one … that one ‘thing’ that keeps sticking around day after day, no matter what you do! You go to the doctor. You go see your therapist. You try another remedy. You change your diet. You do another cleanse. You take another class. You keep falling for a limiting belief. You feel stuck in the same situations. You … you … you …
It Will Never Happen To Me
I’ll tell you what mine was. Yes, I write was, because when I finally saw what was going on, I left that one behind too. It was a belief that ‘it will never change’ and ‘it will never happen to me.’ That is what kept me stuck and it kept me trying new things to make ‘it‘ change.
What Is Your Last Metronome?
Well, there is hope for all of us. We all have that little ‘special’ one that is very reluctant to change. Just like that last metronome.
But as you see on the video, it finally gives in to the Coherence of Consciousness and joins the synchronicity and harmony of the All. It can’t hold out forever.
I’ve had a very committed meditation practice for many years. Literally meditating hours a day. And after I watched this video and realized theeffortless power of Consciousness and how that brings Coherence to anything inside of me or outside, I can’t stop myself. I now ‘sit’ even more and am doing it with a deeper intention and feeling of gratitude.
I am experiencing how this last little metronome in me is softening, relaxing and letting go. It feels so good to Know that I don’t need to try to do anything myself to make it change. It all is organically happening on its own.
I have vowed not to spend any of my precious time wondering: Why is it not changing? What makes it take so long?
These kind of questions are just other metronomes out of sync with the Coherence and the more I leave them alone, I notice they too, come into harmony.
Consciousness Knows How To … And I Didn’t!
Consciousness will bring ALL of me – ALL of you back into Coherence as long as we are willing to give it the time to dissolve all the little incoherences without our well-meaning help.
When I realized that Consciousness does that naturally, my little incoherent thought: ‘It will never change’ synchronized gently and is joining the eternal Hum.
Consciousness Knows How To … And Now I Know Too
There are still little metronomes in me that are incoherent with the peace and harmony that I know mySelf to Be. I just rest in and as Consciousness, KNOWING that it will take care of it.
That was the missing realized ‘Peace’ inside, the Felt Sense of Knowing what happens when I keep resting there. This Knowing helps me stay and stay and stay with an underlying sweetness inside because I now Know that that is all it takes and that ALL is well.
Please join me Wednesday 2/18/15 at 3PM on Unveiled Radio on the subject Unveiled Radio.
You can learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. Learn more about how to enter this New Paradigm in my book Imagine Being Kind To YourSelf. You may also contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn your whole life around. There’s plenty of help and support for you.
PS Just to make sure you know that of course eating good food, taking supplements, avoiding things that you know are not resonating with you is ALL good too. They are not separate from the Coherence. Using our natural instincts and following our Heart is Coherence guiding our life. Please enjoy it all.
Thank you for sharing the video and where it took you. It offers endless possibilities and lessons. It is like the labyrinth at Chartres. You have to cover the whole territory to get to the center. Every part is an important piece of the whole. some flowers bloom early, some late. I have one observation. For real efficiency nothing can be left out. unless all benefit, it will not work.
Thank you for sharing your Wisdom, Christine. I always enjoy reading your sharings. Yes, for the benefit of ALL.
Blessings to you.