The True Meaning of DeSire
I know that the word desire has had a bad connotation in spiritual circles. It has always sounded like it is something we need to get rid of in order to attain enlightenment. Because of that, so much energy is being suppressed and denied and the result is that it keeps us divided inside and living a life of denial.
So what is desire then? Why do we have it? And is it a mistake that we desire things and experiences?
In my experience denying anything only creates more division and more duality and keeps you from putting your attention on what truly matters: YOU.
Well, who is this YOU? Who am I?
Self inquiry for Self realization has been used for many years, especially in the lineage of Ramana Maharshi. I have spent many years with this practice myself. However, denial has never helped me fully embody Who I Am, so it has been essential to learn to include all of myself in order to live a life of Oneness.
If we want to find out who we are, we need to be open and curious as we do our inquiry. As long as we deny any part of us, it is going to be difficult to find out and realize who we really are and express it in our life. So much of our attention is being put on suppressing, denying and resisting, and that is not the best way to find out who you are 🙂
Include Your DeSire
- What if for a moment you included your deSire to find out what it really is instead of trying to get rid of it?
- What if your deSire is here to guide you and lead you into the deepest truth of who you are, or can know yourself to be?
- What if your deSire is the Divine’s Way of moving you in the direction also known as ‘Thy Will Be Done?”
One day last year during a meditation, I suddenly Knew the true meaning of deSire. And no, it is not a typo that I am using a capital S in the middle of a sentence.
I had a full experience and realization of its meaning: de Sire, de = from or of, Sire = Creator, Originator, Father.
Suddenly it all made sense. Our deSire is Spirit’s way of moving and inspiring us to do His/Her Will. How else will we Know?
For those of us who are on a spiritual path and sincerely want to surrender to Thy Will, but keep ‘missing’ it, I am inviting you to explore this new idea of deSire.
The Mistaken Meaning Of DeSire
On the other hand as long as we deny what our Heart longs for and squash our desires, they get all distorted and misinterpreted. We are out of touch with them, yet still feel something inside that we deeply long for and then we set out into the world looking for it. So instead of going deep into our Heart’s deSire for guidance and inspiration, we have denied access to our own Wisdom and Source of Fulfillment. If we can only stop for a moment and instead of denying this feeling in our Heart, get curious about it.
- It is through feeling our true Heart’s deSire that we are in touch with what we came here to do.
- And it is through denial of our Heart’s deSire that we get confused and project the feeling out into the world instead, hoping to find some kind of relieve for this deep yearning we feel. It is not out there.
The deSire in your Heart IS your Fulfillment. It is not something you need to go look for outside of yourselves. It is one and the same.
Our Best Friend
Once we realize that our deepest Heart’s deSire is our best friend and is here to end the division and fill our Life full from the inside out, with Love and Goodness, then we can finally rest back and “open out a way whence the Imprisoned Splendor may Escape.” (Robert Browning)
You are always welcome to leave a comment and share your experiences. And if you would like to explore this subject further, feel free to contact me for a Free 30 min Discovery Session
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