Dear Friend,
Years ago, when I went to Australia to be with a spiritual teacher, Barry Long, I remember him looking around the audience of hundreds of people, raising his finger and with a rather serious look on his face he would say:
“Woman, don’t doubt yourself!”
His words penetrated my whole Being and gave me permission to be more true to myself instead of assuming that I was wrong and others right. For some reason it felt very comforting to get that kind of permission from a male authority back in those days. As so many other women, I was used to hearing things that made me doubt and question myself, so I drank in his loving words and let myself be nourished on a level that I was not used to.
He was very sincere about it and he knew Woman well. He saw how we have been giving ourselves away for a crumb of love and compromised what our Hearts know to be true and long for.
Self doubt used to be my middle name and has taken me through some uncomfortable situations in my life, where I gave my power and authority away to others who claimed to know better and more than I did.
Your Amazing Body
We have all been given the most amazing instrument called our body. Because we have never really learned the true language of our body, we still tend to go outside of ourselves in order to get our answers, or to have our own answers validated. This does not mean, however, that our body does not have the answers. I just means that we have never really learned how to listen.
When you do, you will be amazed. Your body is not just a physical body. It is actually an outlet and ‘radio station’ where you pick up the signals of your Being. These signals are Felt as a Sense that is different than your other senses, and something we are all learning to tune into.
When I tune into my Frequency, it is big and beautiful and really undoubtable. It is who I am and as long as I don’t deny or resist it out of fear what others may say or think, it is the sweetest and most clear guidance around.
Your Body Knows. It always knew. Now it is time for you, for me, for all of us to Know what we already Know if we only listen.
Addition to Barry’s statement
I would like to add to Barry Long’s statement:
Woman Trust yourself, trust your wisdom, trust what you value and trust your own Value.
It is not a mistake that you feel and experience these promptings. They are the way your Being communicates with you and lets you know who you are and how you are supposed to express yourself. And it is perfectly OK if you need to have that confirmed for awhile until you are so tuned in that doubting it does not even make sense anymore.
I feel passionate about helping Women trust themselves, feel confident and valuable and know they are worth being loved.
Please let me remind you: You are worth being loved and you have great value.
How can it be otherwise?
It is now time to start trusting what matters to you. That which deeply matters from our Core, is what moves us to take certain actions in the world to make it a better place for all of us.
Just ask you body.
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