We all have an inner battle going on, whether you know it or not. You may have a vague sense that something is going on inside, but it’s more obvious on the outside – right where your life is happening. If you are experiencing an inner battle, you may be pointing your finger out and say:
- THAT is why I’m in battle –
- It’s because of THEM –
- THEY are making me feel this way!
Does that sound more familiar than looking inside where you are Feeling it? It sounds like blaming, doesn’t it? I don’t blame you. The whole world is conditioned to be in battle, consciously or not.
My free fall into the abyss of my unconscious false identity has not ended yet. As a matter of fact, the clarity and insights I’ve been getting are profound – well as profound as a false identity can be. The profundity really lies in suddenly seeing something that was a blind spot only a moment before.
I’m sure you’ve had them too, and go OMG! How did I not see that before?
In my own experience I’m seeing things faster and in bigger contexts. It is immensely liberating. I see them, I willingly Feel them, I honor them, I learn what I need to learn and I move on. Back when – way before I wrote my book Imagine Being Kind To YourSelf – there was a lot of self crimination and judgment for being stupid or selfish when I saw my shadow appear. In those days it felt embarrassing and anything but liberating. I was not ready for faster and bigger contexts. Small and slow was painful enough.
Luckily Self Love is second Nature in me now, and I’m grateful that those old patterns are out of the way. Luckily it’s now just a matter of letting this stuck energy from the past move through without resistance or judgment.
I am a great advocate for Self Love. Self Love helps remove all the obstacles that get in the way of Awakening into your True Self. The more obstacles you consciously dissolve with your own Love, the less resistance there’ll be to letting go of the next piece of your false Identity.
Eventually you’ll notice that Self crimination turns into Self Celebration and Self Liberation. Personally I get a lot more free miles out of that. I use these miles to fly further and deeper into the Awake Unified Field.
If you want to fly with me, there are plenty of seats available, but no room for battle equipment.
Liberating Your Nervous System
Recently, I started offering a deeper, more direct path into liberating whatever is still holding you back from fully Being Who You Are. We work with your nervous system and the lower 3 chakras to liberate the energies that are stuck there. I do believe that this powerful work is available to us at this time of evolution because it’s time now to fully wake up out of your old identity. It’s time now to fully embody your True Awake Woman Within, so She can now Be the Awake Women Outside too.
You can catch up on this new work in my previous article called Why You Don’t Have Enough Money. This expanded way of working is for you, if you don’t want to leave any stones unturned – if you are excited to fully become YOU. And as an Awakening Women, isn’t that what you are all about?
Suddenly things clear so much easier and faster and gives you solid access to your Authentic, Divine, Creative, Empowered Self. She’s the One inside of you who’s been trying to get your attention for awhile. She is the one who is tired of being trapped in limitations of not being enough, not feeling good enough and feeling unwanted. Can you Feel Her?
So with all this expanded clarity in my life, today I want to share with you my insights about the inner battle.
The Inner Battle In Your Nervous System
I’ve written a lot about resistance over the years and how Allowing is the best antidote for it. It is all in my free ebook Five Steps to Dive Into The Divine Feminine Flow. However, now you are ready for a bigger leap, a bigger embrace, a bigger AHA and a bigger letting go. It starts with Awareness.
I had a big Aha moment recently when I became aware that there was still a part of me engaged in this inner battle. As a result of this new work I’m offering now, I too became SO aware how this inner battle was coloring a lot of my life experience. Maybe coloring is an understatement. It has kept me stuck at a predetermined unconscious set point of Being Me. Sounds crazy? Yes, crazy indeed. Crazy or not, I was living as if only so much of my True Self was allowed to be expressed and Seen.
Crazy, right?
Once I REALLY saw that, most of the battle was over, right there and then. I had engaged in this unconsciously, like most people in the world. I was partaking in the outer battle, based on my inner battle. Awareness is everything, isn’t it! So seeing it without a shadow of a doubt was all it took for me to say: “No thank you, no more! I’m done.”
Even though I am done, the battle will still entice me to engage, because of the unconscious wiring in my nervous system. So from now on it’s my conscious Choice that will decide the outcome. Can you see how important it is to be fully aware of this pattern?
And can you imagine what I can do with all this liberated Energy now that it’s not wasted in a battle!!! How about following my Dream a few steps further out?
What Is This Inner Battle?
Of course it all seems to start in our childhood where somehow we all got the ‘wrong’ set of parents, the ‘wrong’ upbringing, the ‘wrong’ love, the ‘wrong’ treatment, the wrong … wrong.
But don’t you ever wonder why everyone got the wrong parents, why everyone was treated unfairly and why everyone ended up feeling not good enough, bad, wrong, not lovable, victimized and why everyone blames their past for it?
I mean, is everyone wrong, except me? I did wonder about it, and it doesn’t make sense, unless … we consciously chose to have this experience here in the 3D world of duality: Battle!
And why would we want to do that???
Here’s what I came up with:
- You are born into a less than ideal situation. Your parents do Love you, but not the way you need to FEEL Loved in order for you to Feel OK inside.
- You interpret their lack of being ideal as something being wrong with you. At that young age, you don’t really have the capacity to blame them yet, which is why you turn it inside. Something is wrong with me! ‘Your Inner Battle unleashed!’
- You grow older and become a teenager. By now you have full capacity to blame others, so your inner battle is now projected out onto ‘others’. Definitely onto your parents – and ‘justifiably’ so!
- However, even though your parents were not ideal — yet did do their best — that inner doubt and feeling that you are not OK somehow remained. Blaming others doesn’t make it go away! And to this day, it keeps you engaged in this inner battle.
- Now you have an inner battle AND an outer battle. The battle is on. You battle yourself and you battle the world. Mostly unconsciously. My hope it that this article is making it CONSCIOUS.
Your Inner Battle Creates Outer Duality
The antonym for battle is Peace, Harmony, Surrender. Your inner battle keeps you separate from the inner peace you are battling for. Hmm?
Are you feeling Peace and Harmony? If you are, I’m guessing you are not in battle.
If you aren’t Feelin’ it, my guess is that you are in battle.
Let me just assure you that if you indeed are in battle inside, that does not mean you are bad, unspiritual or hopeless. It just means that you have not yet realized your inner battle as a ‘real’ thing that runs most of your life. It keeps you on the treadmill hoping it will give you peace one day. Well, sorry, it won’t!
This inner battle has a way to confirm, re-instate and keep your false identity alive and well – all on its own – right up until you clearly SEE it for what it is.
So back to ‘why is it that everyOne is in battle?’ Well, based on my own investigation, in order to experience duality, which this 3D experience is built on, we need opposites. What if we actually all did come here to experience what it’s like to live in duality … wow, isn’t inner and outer battle THE perfect ticket to this 3D show? I mean, WOW! It works!
It’s crystal clear to me that your inner battle creates outer battle, and both create the illusion of duality and separation. For whatever reason we chose to experience duality (after a long long slumber party in Oneness), what better way to create it but through battle?
Are You Getting Tired Of The Battle?
That’s the kind of question we need to ask ourselves: Are you ready for Peace?
Yes? Me too! I’m really tired of battling. It doesn’t give me any juice or excitement anymore and I’m longing for that sweetness of Peace and Oneness. The hamster wheel of inner battle has proven so far that it won’t get me the Peace I want. The tide is going back out – a new one coming in.
Here’s the trick: When you end the Inner Battle, somehow the outer duality ends all by itself, like Magic! So let’s see how we get out of this hamster wheel and STAY out!
Solid Steps To Stop The Battle
Awareness: First you need to realize that you ARE in battle. Your body is a great mirror for this and when you listen carefully, you’ll Feel it.
Acknowledge to yourSelf that you are the one who is in battle. Your outer world reflects it back to you. Even if you see it ‘out there’ you have the choice to lay down your sword.
Realize that everyone else is also in their unique personalized battle. Give yourself permission to giggle a little when you see that. We are all in this together for the same purpose: To experience duality and we’ve used battle to create that experience.
Consciously Choose to stop participating – just like with any other pattern that you become aware of. Have you had enough – or – are you still enjoying this 3D show? Either is OK, as long as you know that it’s now your Conscious Choice. Who knows, maybe it’s more enjoyable that way? Let me know if you Choose this and what it’s like from this perspective.
Feel it. When you feel you’ve had enough of the battle, you need to get to know it better. Feel and get to know who you are battling, how you are battling, what you are battling. In other words deeply Listen to your own inner battle. The more get to you know yourSelf in your own battle, the easier it will be to understand it, give yourSelf some Lovin’ and make new Choices. Oh, yeah!
Honor and Allow this battle first. In other words: Don’t battle your battle!! It has to end somewhere. It has to end sometime. Why not now.
Love it, forgive yourSelf for having been lost in this battle. Notice what it is costing you if you continue. Maybe peace, harmony and your new Dream fulfilled?
Be brave! In order to stop your inner battle, you’ll come up against ALL the reasons why you should keep the battle going. Those are the exact reasons that have kept you in it up until now. However, now that you have Choice, are these reasons still valid?
Do your best to NOT engage when you catch yourSelf battling. Remember, you’ve done this for a long time and the default button needs to be fully switched off at some time. It’s going to take some time for that to happen. If you fall into battling again, just stop and stop and stop. It’s OK to fall in and it’s also OK to stop.
Know that you ARE OK. This is no small task after eons of Feeling the opposite. This is where we all need to do our inner work and come to the deeply Felt Sense of our innate Goodness and OK’ness. Once you get a hit of it, make that your daily practice. This is easier said than done, trust me. Reading this little paragraph is not going to do it for you. Consistent, committed, conscious inner work is your ticket to your next show: Oneness, Peace and Love!
If you are wondering how to even start this journey, please connect with me. You can browse around on my website Divine Feminine Flow to see if it resonates. If you want to take a next step, I offer free Clarity-Discovery Session where we get clarity about what it is that you REALLY want and what is getting in your way. Then we’ll know if I’m the right One to guide you further along the Path you came here for. I’m a certified Hakomi Practitioner and Self Love Mentor and have recently added a very powerful process of how to step out of old programs, paradigms and vows. Please set up your appointment for your Clarity session and let’s see how I can support you in reaching your next step towards your wholeness and fulfillment.
Love this, thanks Pernilla. You have stated exactly where I am up to now; noticing the automaticity of the battle, and choosing to drop it, over and over again, as long as it takes. It’s so nice to see the process put into such clear words. <3
Great to share this revelation with you, Raphaella. It’s an amazing relief to not have to participate in that anymore, wouldn’t you say!
And just imagine how much energy is going to be available for enjoyable activities instead!
A lot of the battle we feel inside is about needing to prove ourselves, because we never felt OK about who we are. I’ll be writing another article about that soon…
Blessings to you and your insights!