Can You Tap YourSelf Into Financial Freedom?
Are you one of those brilliant, amazing, wise Women with your Dreams overflowing, but your pockets empty and financial freedom is out of sight?
Maybe you are
- feeling stuck and overwhelmed with bills
- not feeling confident enough to put yourSelf out there
- feelings unworthy to charge well for your services
- afraid to ask to get your deeper needs met
Are Your Dreams Overflowing, But Your Pockets Empty?
It’s all too common for Wise, Wonderful Women like you, in touch with your Dreams, but struggling to make them come true. And struggling to make ends meet. The dilemma is that you have been conditioned from the moment you were born into this world. You were conditioned to believe that as a Woman, you are
worth less = worthless and unworthy. Period!
Whether you agree with this or not, it still lives in your nervous system as if it is so! You and I either blindly accepted this as ‘this is just how it is,’ or are in an inner battle about it.
The World Needs You
Many amazing Women have walked before us and made Women’s right more real in this world. However, we are not done yet.
We need to change a lot more in the world before we can live in peace and equality. The world needs you and me to make that happen. Each in our own unique way. Think animal rights, Earth rights, immigrant rights, black matters rights, equal pay rights, health rights….. It’s not just Women’s rights, but as Awakening Women, we are here to bring the Balance back for us all.
My specific flavor is to help change and bring Balance to your inner world – the world that dictates how you relate to money, success and charging for your Wisdom – the world that tells you about your worthiness, enough-ness and your right to have a Voice.
We have internalized a male dominated world and made that our Truth. As long as you carry the old paradigm, including the old money paradigm, in your subconscious, it’s going to be mighty hard to bring your Dreams, Visions and Divine Insights into the world.
But I don’t need to tell you that, do I? It is hard to change the world when your pockets are running empty and you have a stack of bills to pay. I mean, who has time for Dreams, right?
Are Your Dreams Going Down The Drain?
Whether you have time for them or not, have you noticed that they have never gone away? It’s just that there are all these inner challenges like:
- struggling to charge enough for your services, so you can live a physically fulfilled life
- settling, compromising or working your butt off
- letting yourSelf be seen in your Brilliance, except in your own mirror behind the bathroom door, lights off
- having plenty of Wisdom about what is needed in the world, but lacking the means to make it happen
How does that make you Feel? It sucks, doesn’t it?
Yes, You Can Tap Into Emotional & Financial Freedom
I am so excited to offer my work as a Tapping Into Wealth Coach. It is a VERY focused and direct path to get to the core of your money issues, beliefs and set points. Unless you shine Light on it and liberate all that unworthiness and fear, you’ll keep finding yourSelf in the same financial situation. That’s how the Law of Attraction works – 24/7 – without you even understanding what causes your empty pockets.
What if you could
- change your inner frequency so this Law of Attraction can rendezvous with you at a higher level?
- zero in on and CLEAR your biggest blocks to money and success?
- get beyond the conventional talk about abundance and prosperity and start experience what that really means – physically – in this 3D world?
These are big promises, I know. Normally I don’t present mySelf that boldly, but I know it’s true. By going through this program mySelf and helping others do the same, I know my boldness is justifiable.
Tapping Into Wealth Program
As a Certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach I am offering you this initial 8 Module program. It covers 8 different areas revealing how the old money paradigm is locked into your nervous system as a fight/flight/freeze response. THAT is why you have not been able to make progress and THAT is why we all need to clear it. You can learn more here about EFT Tapping here. EFT is a clinically proven tool to clear trauma and the stress response from the nervous system.
Your experience of lack is not because you are not good enough, not smart enough, or any other kind of not enough. It’s simply because this deficiency programming is unconsciously locked into your nervous system. If you are into chakras, it’s actually locked in the lower 3 chakras. It’s like a bottleneck blocking the natural Infinity of life to enter into this 3D experience. The abundance Frequency can’t match you or ‘get through!’
In this program we
Step 1: Create Your “Money Map” That Fits Your Dreams and Wisdom
Let go of euphemisms for money like ‘abundance’ and ‘prosperity,’ recognize how money shapes all the aspects of your life, and take back the power and consciousness to finally change what isn’t serving you.
Step 2: Discover Your Earliest Money Paradigm
Free yourself to start earning more money, eliminating debt and creating wealth without your parents paradigm and set points. This is where it all innocently started.
Step 3: Clear Financial and Goal Traumas
Uncover and clear two massive sources of negative energy, shame, self-recrimination, and self-doubt.
Step 4: Create Outrageous Goals
Uplevel your Frequency. Start making bigger strides and see results in your income QUICKLY! Be more focused and enthusiastic about marketing yourself and charging your worth.
Step 5: Clear the Vows to Be Invisible and to Be Perfect
Shine the light of your own brilliance and amazingness more brightly, as you step on the pathway to be Seen, Heard and Hired, so you can truly earn MORE!
Step 6: Step Into the Highest Energy of Creating, Giving, Receiving
Clear your energy and consciousness to earn and create money in alignment with the highest joyful, win-win vibration.
Does it sound too good, to ‘not to be true?’
If you can FEEL a resonance inside, and want THAT, here’s what you do:
Your first step doesn’t cost you a dime. Just set up a free Self-Discovery Session with me first, so we can go over the financial area of your life and gain clarity about how it impacts your Dreams from manifesting. If you resonate with our first connection, and if I Feel this is a good fit for both of us, I’ll share more with you about how you can join my 8 Module program.
You have nothing to lose by setting up a Self-Discovery Session with me. We’ll record the session, so you can re-listen to the nuggets and Clarity you receive in the session.