Setting a Goal – Finding your Vision
Dear Friend,
If you are interested in finding your Vision, you may enjoy reading these statistics.
Did you know that according to a Harvard Business School study:
- Only 3 % of the population records their goals in writing
- 14 % have goals but don’t write them down
- 83% don’t even have clearly defined goals
- And the 3% above earned an astounding 10 times that of the 83% group!
Before I started writing the book “Imagine Being Kind to Yourself – Inner Peace at Last” I was seeing how most people didn’t have a Vision or Goal to live by or live for. Because the concept of finding your vision was so foreign for so many and lacking in their life, they would just be moved around according to the latest news, entertainment, wars, disasters, sale etc. There was no solid ground inside of most people that would keep them focused on what mattered to them or how they wanted their life to unfold. Mostly they were hoping for the best and trying to avoid the suffering and hardships.
For a big part of my life, it had been dictated by outer circumstances just like everybody else, so it was somewhat of a wake up call when I suddenly SAW that. It was shocking to really SEE that. Both in myself and in everybody else.
There is a saying: If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.
This is exactly what I started seeing. People had lost their Vision and were just floundering around and could be manipulated into believing anything and falling for anything.
I also saw that there were certain groups of people who had a vision, a big vision for the whole world, and part of that vision was to make sure that the people did not have a vision. Wow! What a wake up call that was. With that call came a deep yearning to help people find their Vision again. In reality it had never left them. It has just gone dormant because of lack of use and attention. Lucky for you and me that it never went away.
What is your Vision?
Finding your Vision is no small task though, because it is deeply buried under many lifetimes of neglect, fear and other interests. Well, finding your Vision is actually not so difficult. It is learning to trust it and start living according to that Vision that takes some time and vigilance, depending how much you want it.
Finding your Vision is really just a matter of going within and start listening to your Heart and then start acting from it. Your Heart Knows and is just waiting for you to turn inside and listen to it.
I will leave you with a few pointers that will help you listen to your Heart. Please don’t censor it. Just listen to the pureness and simplicity of it:
- What deeply matters to you?
- What have you always longed for, even since you were a little child?
- What would you regret you never did or accomplished when you lie on your death bed?
- What gives you great joy and inspiration?
The more of us that are finding our Vision and start living It, the sooner we will collectively create a world that we all long for deep inside our Heart. The longing in your Heart was not put there by mistake. If there is a mistake, it is that we have been ignoring and overriding it for so long. So let’s correct the mistake and support each other in uprooting this longing and give it a Life.
I always love to hear from you. Please share yourself
ALL Love,
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