Addicted To Not Having?
What Is Your First Line Of Defense In Defending Against Fulfillment?
What is your first line of defense that is unconsciously blocking the Divine Flow from fulfilling itself as you as the evolutionary impulse embodies itself in the world.
We need to become conscious of how this ‘line’ feels, thinks, speaks, behaves, looks, acts etc, so we can recognize it when it arises out of the subconscious to pull us back. Back from what, you ask? It wants to pull you back from following the new Energy that is breaking through your Heart as longing, vision, inspiration, abundance, ease and grace. It wants to keep you small and limited in the familiarity of the past and the dull lull of everybody else’s conformity.
‘Lines’ And Their Antidotes
When you expose it, see it, feel it and recognize it, it has become conscious and loses its power over you. Beware ‘line,’ we are pulling the curtain.
I hope you join me on Wednesday 12/10/14 on UnveiledRadio where we’ll expose these ‘lines’ so we move forward (flow forward) with more ease and joy as we follow the Divine Flow.
Here are a few ‘lines’ that may relate to your life:
- I can’t do/have it
- I don’t deserve it
- It will never happen to me
- It’s too hard
These are samples of infinite possibilities to limit yourself and remain stuck in the cobweb of ‘have nots.’
And here are a few antidotes samples that will start shifting you back into the Flow and flavor of infinite possibilities:
- I can…
- I am worthy of…
- I choose to…
- It is safe to…
What is your preference?
In my own experience, when I use these antidotes whenever the old line of defense shows up to keep me separate, limited and unhappy, I choose to not engage. I choose to feel into my Heart instead to see what else is Here. I choose to trust my Heart, even though the ‘lines’ pull hard, and go against my familiar and limiting ways of seeing the world and my life. I choose to choose.
And my choices are Felt deep in my Being, so it is more than a mental affirmation. It is a commitment that comes from my Core and not from my head. And this Feeling is what makes everything shifts.
The trick is to be consistent and committed to choose your Heart and to say No thanks to the ‘line.’ It may feel like a battle for a while, just like in the movies where the dark is trying to take over the Light. In the end your Heart will win, so please don’t give up on it.
Eventually, neither the ‘lines’ nor the antidotes are true, but the antidotes can be very useful to pull yourself out of the muck, clean yourself up and see your Wings emerge to help you fly into the Field where everything is not only possible, but is already all that you are.
Are you game?
Come listen to the show and let’s leave behind our ‘defense lines’ and fly into full freedom.
Learning to Follow Your Heart is like learning a new language. Usually it’s easier to learn from someone who already speaks Heartish. If you would like to get better and even real good at Following your own Heart, please learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. Feel free to contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn you in the right direction – your own Heart!
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