Dear Friend,
How to live from the Heart?
This is such an important questions and I would like to share a little more with you to prepare you for my new upcoming class ‘How to live from the Heart‘, which I am both excited and scared about at the same time.
Excited and scared
Excited, because it is a deeper part of my work being born in and as and through me. Scared because there are so many new things I am learning in order to make this happen. This can feel overwhelming and sometimes even make me forget what it is I am giving birth to.
Can you relate to the excited/scared feelings, where you feel this newness that wants to burst out, and yet there is something getting in your way and you don’t quite know how to be with it all?
So many of us are giving birth to ourSelves in a way we have never done before, and we are being invited and enticed to Live from the Heart.
The way I have been experiencing it, is that the Being and Doing is really the same, and that who and what I am, cannot be separate from what I do in my personal or business life.
Many of us are called to step up and allow the speed of Consciousness to update and configure us to match the new frequencies we are Being-Becoming. Being who we thought we were is outdated and needs to be replaced by who we really are. Not just as a concept, but as one living reality.
I don’t know about you, but to me this has not been the most comfortable ride, moving through layers and layers of identities that don’t make sense anymore.
The should-barrier
As I mentioned last time, the whole concept of should has taken on a new reality – more like a non-reality. It has been an undercurrent in so many things I did without realizing it. And now that it is being seen, it is crumbling and making room for the real Me – and that is a good feeling!
Being who I am is so different than being who I think I should be. Doing what I do from my Heart, is so different from what I think I should do.
From overwhelm to inspired action
Learning to fully trust the Heart is deeply fulfilling once we are able to disengage from the tyranny of the mind’s shoulds.
I am already sharing these insights with some of my friends and clients and they are quite amazed how this little sneaky critter called should has unconsciously run their lives and covered the joy and wisdom of their Heart. On this journey we uncover what I call the should-barrier and discover the intimate joy and wisdom of the Heart. It is amazing how quickly you can shift from overwhelm to inspiration and inspired action that way.
I have so much more to share about this, and I feel so inspired.
All Love,
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