I am so grateful to offer this course where we are going to impact the world together in a very positive way.
In this course, you’ll start getting in touch with a greater Impulse – the Evolutionary Impulse, that lives inside of you and which is wanting your attention. This Impulse needs your participation as an open Vessel. Even though it may not be obvious yet, when you learn to Truly Love YourSelf, you become this Vessel. You’ll experience how True Self Love starts dissolving everything that stands in the way for this Divine Impulse to express itself.
This 6 part course will show you exactly how.
Can You Already Feel This Impulse?
When I meet people in this Path of awakening, I have yet to meet someone who is not Feeling this Impulse inside to create a more beautiful, loving and vibrant world. We may all have our unique version and flavor of how that will look, but when you follow the thread of this Impulse down to the Core, it’s the same. We all want the same and we can only make this happen by clearing out a pathway from the inside out, with the Support from like-Hearted Souls.
If you are feeling a Longing inside of you for a more evolved and loving world, you are already touched by this evolutionary Impulse. Your next step is to learn how to listen to it and evolve with it instead of suffocating it. This program will show you step by step how to do that.
Opening Out A Way Whence The Imprisoned Splendor May Escape
I have always loved this quote from a poem by Robert Browning (1812-1889) in Paracelsus:
Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, whae’er you may believe
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fullness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, Clear perception – which is truth.
A baffling and perverting carnal mesh
Binds it, and makes all error: and, to KNOW,
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without
The Global Impact Of Self Love
This program is designed to help you open out a way for the imprisoned Being that lives inside of you to escape into the world and shine its Light into the darkness. You ARE that Light. The more people who start listening and acknowledging that there is something stirring inside, that wants to move out of the world as you know it and into the world as your Hearts Knows it, the bigger impact we’ll have.
I am honored to have you join me in this amazing unfolding.
# 1: What Is Self Love?
We’ll explore what Self Love is and what it isn’t, and help you attune to the Splendour inside of you. Who is it that lives inside your Longing? Who is it that wants to take birth as you and through you? Who will you Be when you dive into your inner Divine Flow and move with this Flow instead of against it?
# 2: Learning How To Allow All Of YourSelf
Years ago, I created a 3 step tool called the ALL Formula: A=Allow, L=Listen, L= Love. In this class we’ll start using the first A from the ALL formula: Allow. In our society we have learned that it’s not OK to Be who we truly are. Your Inner Splendour is covered with layers of self doubt, self criticism, self judgment and a sense of separation from the Divine. Learning how to Allow instead of resist is the missing key. You’ll experience how Allowing literally dissolves the fears and resistances that have kept you stuck in this conundrum for life times.
# 3: How Do You Listen To Your Body And Trust It?
Now we are moving to the first L in the ALL formula: Listen. Did anyone tell you how to listen to your own body wisdom when you grew up? Me neither. It’s as if our body’s Wisdom was not trustworthy. But it is and in this class you’ll start the process of deep listening to what you already know, but didn’t trust or knew what to do with. As basic as it may sound, you are going to deeply learn, Feel and Know how ‘a Yes, a No and an I Don’t Know’ speak to you from the inside of your body through your Sensations. You’ll familiarize yourself with the subtleties of the Divine Guidance in your body.
You’ll walk away Knowing when you ignore one of these cues and when you listen. The choice is yours once they are conscious!
# 4: Aligning Your Actions With Your Body’s Wisdom
Now that you know how a Yes, a No and an I don’t know communicate with you, we are taking the next step: What is this Yes saying Yes to? What is this no saying no to? What happens if I wait until I know, when I simply don’t know yet?
That’s the next stage of Listening. You’ll notice the Power and Energy behind a Yes and a No, and realize it’s so much bigger than you ever knew.
# 5: God’s Mouthpiece: The True Meaning Of DeSire
The last L of the ALL Formula stands for Love. Can you Love yourSelf enough to follow your Yes, No, and now also what you deeply Long for? The Feeling of Longing is as specific as the Feeling of Yes, No and I don’t know. In today’s class you’ll familiarize yourSelf with this Feeling of Longing by following it in instead of out. When you merge with this unique Feeling of Longing, you’ll never want to leave it again to try to find something outside of you to fill it with. You’ll Love the Longing in a way you didn’t know possible.
# 6: Receiving The Gift Of Being YOU
This last session helps you ‘surf your wave Home.’ You’ll learn how to Follow your inner Longing and how it wants to express itSelf in the world. This is the Imprisoned Splendour we started out with, and who is not separate from you. When you jump on your Wave, learn to surf it when it moves left,when it moves right, when it speeds up, when it slows down, when it goes deep, when it stay on top… that’s when you are receiving the Gift of YOU. Here it’s not a matter of knowing what your next move will be – it’s about Following the Movement itself, realizing it’s the only way to live in Oneness with your Self, the Divine and your Heart’s Calling
Yes, I Want To Impact The World Through True Self Love
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