Getting Out Of Your Own Way Tip #12
Getting in touch with our natural longing is just as important as removing the boulders that get in the way of the Flow that naturally fulfills this longing.
When I teach meditation, the favorite one amongst the students is often the one where we dip into our Heart’s longing and make Way for it. So many times they feel elated, inspired and excited about what they find and never realized that it was their unique Expression coming through.
I know very well what it is like to ignore the deeper longing in my Heart and lived that way most of my life. Later in life when I became more conscious about all these conditioned responses to Love, Longing and the Joy that lives inside, I started noticing how most of us squash this Natural Longing.
DeSire Means ‘From The Father/Originator’
To me Longing and deSire are one and the same, once I go to the Origin of the Sensations. Years ago during a meditation I was shown the true meaning of deSire:
de = from,
Sire = male Sovereign/a person of importance or in a position of authority, as a Lord
It became obvious that this deSire deep down in my Heart came straight from the Divine and this realization completely changed my relationship to it.
The longing deep down in our Heart is the same yearning as the felt deSire deep down in our Heart. Whatever we call it does not matter. It is the Felt Sense that matters and it guides our way.
Somehow we have turned away from this deep yearning hoping we can fill it with something/someone from the outside, and this is where we got it all turned upside down. I would like to turn it back ‘upside up and downside down’. It feels more stable that way.
Your True DeSire Is Worth Listening To
I remember how painful it was to feel this longing without the Knowledge how to fill it. It was the pain that drove me out into the world to find the right remedy. Well, that was until the insight came about the true meaning of this Deep Longing. Since that insight I started seeing what happens when you squash your natural deSire.
If you don’t meet it ‘Heart-On’ and listen to it, you squash and distort Its Pure Energy. The distortion is not pure anymore and cuts you off from its natural fulfillment, as you move it into avenues on the outside.
The Energy itself is not going to go away, just because you don’t know how to meet it. It’s your True Expression that wants an outlet by you making yourself available for it. If you ignore the Energy ItSelf and try to fill it from the outside, this beautiful Expression gets projected out and cannot fulfill you or me. It is clearly an inside job.
It is that simple. The Energy of Longing that you feel inside your Heart cannot fulfill Itself in this dimension unless you give yourSelf to It. Then, and only then can it move through you/as you, into the world shaping Itself as the vision you feel inside.
This deSire longs to express ItSelf as ItSelf, as you and me. It is already your natural expression and doesn’t need anything from the outside to make it happen. On the other hand, It will make the outside happen. It’s that ‘upside-down-thing.’
Longing Is Not Lack – It Is Divine Expression
When I saw all this in my meditation, it sure turned everything back to’ upside up and downside down’ for me so I could get in alignment with this Energy and make mySelf available for it.
In yesterdays post I shared how I realized that the longing was the very thing I was longing for when I let It ‘have me’ and I let mySelf Feel It.
Today’s Tip #12 is an extension of yesterday’s Tip. Not only do I invite you to get curious about it, I also invite you to
Give YourSelf to this Longing/deSire, Knowing that this is the Voice and Vision of theDivine for YOU to be an Expression of Divine Fulfillment.
That little shift in perception can open the closed door in your Heart and start a true communication with you and the Divine to co-create the new world we all know in our Hearts is possible.
- Maybe it is not a mistake you are feeling this deep longing?
- Maybe you already knew this and just didn’t quite know what to do with it?
Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Need A Little Help?
If you have missed the beginning of this Blog series, you can go to the first blog post How to Get Out of Your Own Way and move forward from there.
Hi, I am calling mySelf a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. Self Love is the glue that binds all the disowned pieces back together again. If you want to learn more about mindfulness, please start with the Meditation & Mindfulness course. If you feel a little lost in all these tips and would like some support, you can always sign up for a free 30 min Discovery Session or get support from my books or downloads
I so agree with you Pernilla that we must go into our longings..give ourSelf to it as you say. How freeing is that, accepting what is! And knowing that the longing is from the Divine, a Divine Longing, gives us the assurance that it is just the next step for our Divine unfolding. Thank you so much for being the LIGHT that you are…and all that you bring to others.
It takes one to Know one, Sharon 🙂
Blessings to you