For so long – actually for many years – I have felt this 100% willingness to surrender to the Divine. It especially shows up in my meditation time where I just sit in a state of surrender no matter what. I realize that I am Willing, no matter what.
It is powerful. It is empowering. It is liberating.
One day when I was meditating, I felt this willingness so strongly that it turned itself into a poem.
Please enjoy! It takes everything:
I Am Willing
I am Willing to feel the unbearable and go to any extreme
Willing to Love all the parts of me
so I can fully wake up from this dream
I am Willing to bring my full attention
to what still feels contracted in this 3rd dimension
I am Willing to say No to the voices that used to lead me astray
Willing to ignore the negativity without any further delay
Willing to sharpen my sword to carve a brand new way
filled with deep meaning, creativity and magic childlike play
I am Willing to unplug and stop playing this game
Willing to leave it behind without fighting, resistance or blame
and Willing to stand strong when tempted with guilt and shame
I am Willing to turn all my attention
to You who lives in my Heart
Willing to not be liked by others as I gently let go of my part
I am ready to enter a new state of Being
and open my eyes to a new way of Seeing
Willing to take this enormous leap
as I courageously wake up from this nightmarish sleep
I am Willing to follow You only
and Willing to lose it all
Willing to risk feeling lonely
as I follow this inner Call
Willing to put my life on the line
let go of what I considered me and mine
I’m finally Willing to rise out of this dimension
and graciously merge into my Divine Ascension
Are you still struggling with holding on, resisting and not sure how to move from unwilling to willing? Willingness is more than a poem, and you need a lot of Love to help the unwilling parts inside to soften and let go. It’s OK to get help in this process. I sure did! You can learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. and see how that will support you. You can either start with my book Imagine Being Kind To YourSelf and if you feel ready for more you can sign up for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn your whole life around. There’s plenty of help and support for you.
Thank you for those frequency-filled words.
What a gift to wake up to today!
My Pleasure, Lindsay, so happy you liked them. They are powerful and real and in my own experience life changing. We all know what it takes: Everything 🙂
Appreciate your willingness to give all you “are”…all you’ve been, Pernilla.
The most huge thing in life…yet, f i n a l l y that becomes the only viable path, it seems. . .
Thank you for your words of wisdom, Gene. Yes, at some point there are no other options anymore. Thank Goddess!