Be The Light
I am wishing you a Peace-filled Holiday with plenty of time to go inside and make yourself available for this Christ Energy that is strongly present and available during these days.
Here we are at the last stretch of 2014, Being soaked in the Light of the reason for the season. It is such a precious time to consciously open up to what is offered so freely: The Christ Light, ready to embody itself as you and as me and all those who make themselves available for it.
How do we make ourselves available for this Light, when we are still holding on to what is not Light?
It is not always easy to let go of old familiar patterns. Recently I had a big chunk of ‘crust’ of one of those patterns move through me. The flavor was that awful feeling of being wrong and rejected which was a very familiar experience from the past. It took me by surprise and I had to use all my tools and al my Presence to not get swallowed by it. Blessings to the ALL Formula! It really works and it helped me to stay Present in the midst of the old crust moving through me while the New is taking over.
Whew! I’m glad it moved all the way out 🙂
Many of us have been experiencing being stripped of so many of the layers that have covered our Light for eons. We are not out of the woods yet, but the clearing is in sight and all we need to do is keep saying Yes to this Light and keep moving in its direction.
I highly recommend making use of the ALL Formula: Allow – Listen – Love.
We’ll cover this more on Unveiled Radio on Christmas Eve. And I’ll guide you into a little meditation into the Stillness and Presence of this Energy.
A Free Gift to you: Imagine Being Kind to Yourself
(This free gift offer has expired)
As my way of thanking you for Being part of this movement of Love in the world, I am offering my e-book ‘Imagine Being Kind to YourSelf’ as my gift to you until January 1st. Please share this link with your Friends. The more, the merrier. Let’s make sure nobody is left out. Being Kind to ourselves is the doorway to Freedom and Transformation on deep levels and is needed to create
Lasting Resolutions
On the last day of this year on Unveiled Radio , I want to cover the whole concept of New Year’s Resolutions and why they don’t last… and what it takes to make them real and lasting in your life.
It’s a powerful subject because we all want to change and don’t know what it takes to make it so. It can be a common one like losing weight or starting to work out, or a more delicate one of wanting to make ourSelves open instruments for the Divine. It’s individual for each of us as we move through life, and we need to honor our own unique process as it unfolds.. The resolve that is needed to reach our goal, however is the same for all of us, and I hope you’ll join me on the last day so you can make 2015 successful in whatever your Heart is longing for.
And make sure you make use of my Gift before the end of the year. Just go here to download a copy of my ebook: Imagine Being Kind to Yourself.
May your holidays Be filled with Peace and Presence (and presents too!) and may the new year bring your Divine expression to fruition and fulfillment in your Heart’s deepest longing.
Hi, I am calling mySelf a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. Self Love is the glue that binds all the disowned pieces back together again. If you want to learn more about mindfulness, please start with the Meditation & Mindfulness course. Feel free to contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn your whole life around
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