Do You Know Why You Do What You Do?
There’s a good chance you don’t know for the most part, even though your mind may say you do.
Our minds think they know everything, are on top of everything and are right about everything. That’s what minds do. It’s their job.
In our society we are so identified with our minds that we rarely question the thoughts that run through them. It often takes a ‘heavenly 4×4’ to open our eyes for a moment and notice there is a whole world outside the limited world view that we have unconsciously adopted.
Those rude awakening are painful and clearly upsetting when they suddenly interrupt a pattern that you feel comfortable in and believe is how it’s supposed to be. These lightning beams are never welcomed in our state of ignorance. I think we’re all resisting those events tooth and nail hoping to stay comfortably snoozing in our uncomfortable, unquestioned mind set. But fortunately that is not the best way if you want to avoid any future rude awakenings.
The 4×4 Wake Up Call
WHAM! Your spouse leaves you. You are diagnosed with a serious illness. Your new neighbors give you hell. Your cat dies. You lose your job.
Those are the 4×4’s that whack you on the head to wake you up. Not so you’ll push the snooze button, but to really wake you up and take an open-eyed look at how you’ve been living your life, maybe for the first time ever.
There’s a good chance you won’t like what you see – but please don’t use the snoozer to avoid looking at it. The ‘point’ of the 4×4 is exactly for you to see that you don’t like what you are doing and that it’s time to become conscious about it. The 4×4 helps you realize that you have been doing things without knowing why you were doing them and that you have other choices available.
In Buddhist traditions mindfulness is key to waking up and an important practice to adopt. If you want to keep the 4×4’s out of your life, mindfulness is a first essential step.
It helps make you aware of how your mind tricks and seduces you into believing things that are not true. You will gain power to be its master and direct it from unconscious, out of control behavior into conscious mature presence.
The more conscious or mindful you get, the less you need ‘the big beams’ anymore. There may still be plenty of areas inside to become conscious of, but as time goes by, you only need a gentle ‘toothpick prick’ to keep steering you in the direction where your life unfolds in more alignment with your Divine Purpose and Will. As you increase in your ability to be mindful in your life, it’s easier to become aware or the inner promptings through your attuned senses. You’ll learn to trust how they guide you along to your greatest potential in this life. They will guide you through contractions, fears and opportunities for growth just by you becoming aware.
You Have Choice Now And Can Avoid Any Future Rude Awakenings
When you start realizing why you do what you do, you also realize that you have choice now. Before, in your mindless state of snoozing, all you could see was your limited righteous world view that actually didn’t seem all that limited, did it? But now, with mindfulness in your toolbox, that world view sure looks limited, and hopefully something you are not drawn to return to.
Most of the world is on the snoozer and not aware that their choices are run by limitation, selfishness, greed, fear and separation. I am not too surprised about the size of the global 4×4. The whole world seems to be falling apart and now is an opportunity for us all to wake up. The world is run on limitation, selfishness, greed, fear and separation, and we have all bought into that world view without questioning it.
Welcoming The Lighting Beam
Whatever the shape and size of your Lightening Beam, it’s really made of Love and has become a necessary smack to bring you back to your Senses.
When you are in the middle of a wake up call it is hard to feel grateful for it. I’m not suggesting you should be grateful that you lose a loved one or go through an illness. Loss and grieve have their own time to heal and should not be ignored. They are essential processes to go through for all of us. However, when the heaviness starts lifting and clarity takes it place, you will notice how this event is an opportunity for you to make new choices, based on things that really matter. You’ll start seeing how, where and when you were doing things you didn’t even know why you were doing.
I think we’ve fallen so deeply asleep that many of us will only wake up through such experiences. It is my hope, however, that becoming aware of patterns in our life before the lighting beam strikes, can soften the blows and eventually erase them because we have become conscious or what we do and why. We are choosing a more evolved and loving world view, which informs what actions to take and which not.
Meditation & Mindfulness
I have been teaching Meditation and Mindfulness at UC Santa Cruz since 2008 and have seen my students change and transform just by becoming aware of these unconscious patterns and world views. Starting mindfulness at that young of an age helps them avoid so many of the pitfalls that the earlier generations went through. Those of us from those generations were born into these limited, rigid world views, which we have only been able to question since very recently. Once you wake up to one pattern, you can become aware of the next and the next. Eventually the domino effect sets in and you’ll be well on your way to wake up out of this whole matrix that we’re all snoozing in, and finally wake up to the One who is living inside of you and is ready to take back the reigns.
Start questioning your life now. Start questioning the world now. Become mindful of how you live your life now. Become aware of how you really want to live it instead now.
If this resonates with you, I have a Meditation course available online to help you on your way. This course is similar to how I teach it at UCSC and guides you through the process of becoming aware of unconscious patterns and beliefs held in the body, mind and emotions.
Learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. I also teach meditation and mindfulness at UCSC. If you want to learn more about mindfulness, please start with the Meditation & Mindfulness course. Feel free to contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn your whole life around.
Love your presence, Pernilla!! Loves Shirley Langton ….. remember me?
Hi Shirley, yes I certainly remember you. How could I not! Lovely to hear from you here and glad you enjoyed reading this article. Blessings and ALL Love