Important Question
For LightWorkers, Divine Messengers, Healers, Teachers, Shamans, Midwives and EveryOne in between,
Who Still Feel Guilty and Afraid to Follow Their Deepest Longing and Honor Their Own Wisdom …
If there is a proven way to confidently follow YOUR Divine Calling and realistically make YOUR Divine Expression a priority in your life without the familiar fear, doubt and hesitation, would you finally Feel ready to give a full YES to YOURSELF and to your Divine Calling?
From a previous participant:
“After Module 2, I realized that what normally irritated me and that I blamed others for, was actually something I was doing myself. I had not seen it before and gave my power away by blaming others. It’s been very empowering to realize my own participation of what I thought was ‘done to me’ .” K.G.
“Thank you so much this amazing program. I’m still reeling, in a good way. I’m looking forward to doing more work with you, as you have an amazing capacity to hold the wounded feminine heart.” Cymber Q.
Sign up before 1/20/2025 and bring a Friend for FREE.
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Unleash Your Confidence
Many LightWorkers experience themselves as Highly Sensitive and don’t feel they quite fit in anywhere, but
have you realized yet that being Sensitive and maybe a little ‘different’ is your Natural state and how you’re supposed to be?
have you realized yet that your Sensitivity and Wyrdness is exactly what the world needs today to get out of the uncomfortable mold that everybody is trying to duplicate?
Let me introduce you to a program that I wish I’d known about when I went through my personal hell realm many years ago, when I was still doubting my own value, gave away my power to others, didn’t know how to set boundaries and was in a constant state of second guessing myself.
I’m sure glad those days are over.
If those tendencies still sound too familiar to you, how about taking that leap and
- Finding deep confidence in your ‘Wyrd’ Self instead of doubting it?
- Experiencing deeper Intimacy with the Divine and Connecting with your Divine Purpose?
- Trusting the Wisdom of your body as your Divine Guidance?
- Realizing that your Uniqueness is your Super Power and is needed now more than ever?
- Taking back your Divine Power and Trusting your Beautiful Heart?
- Learning to set golden boundaries with clarity and conviction?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, your wish has been granted!
I am your Wish Fairy here at your service, and will use my magic Wand to help you implement 3 empowering steps in my confidence building program Say Yes To YourSelf Without Guilt Or Doubt.
Sign up before 1/20/2025 and bring a Friend for FREE
Just email their info to me
Who Am I, Anyway?
Hi, I am Pernilla Lillarose and I support Lightworkers and Sensitive Souls like you embracing your Divine Gifts & Calling, say YES to them and become the Divine Messenger you came here to be. You will finally feel confident to say YES to what you Know is True and NO to what is not aligned with Love and with your Divine Values – in other words: say NO to what you Know is NOT True in your Heart.
I Love helping Spiritual seekers become Spiritual finders, and rise up to transform into powerful Divine Vessels who are not afraid to set clear boundaries so they can follow their deeper Wisdom and Inner Divine Guidance.
Say Yes To Yourself Without Guilt Or Doubt
Make sure you take advantage of bringing a Friend for FREE when you sign up before Monday 1/20/25.
Just email their info to me
A solid 3 step formula that reconnects you with your Inner Confidence and Divine Wisdom.
Live sessions starts Wednesday January 22th.
Price: $197
Here’s what this ‘Unleash Your Confidence’ program includes:
Module 1: What Do You Really Want?
What are you deeply longing for and have been afraid to express?
- Set yourself up for success
- The true meaning of DeSire (hint: It’s powerful!)
- When you can FEEL it, it’s yours.
Module 2: Find The Power To Say Yes To What You Really Want
Untangling from the grip of resistance and fear
- Are you focusing on what you want? Or fighting what you don’t want?
- The powerful 3 step ALL-formula: Allow – Listen – Love
- Learn how Allowing is the antidote to resistance
Module 3: How To Stay Committed & Embodied
The Language & Power of your body’s Wisdom
- Learn how to commit and stay committed
- FEEL the power of a Yes in your body, not just in your mind
- Making your Yes bigger and stronger than your No
Module 4: Listen To Your Body And Align With Her Wisdom
Say Yes to your Self and experience flow and fulfillment
- The Wisdom of your body KNOWS the Way
- When you can Feel the Feeling of Yes and trust it, you cannot fail
- One surprising Feeling that you hadn’t thought about, yet resisted your whole life
- Every Feeling counts and helps you succeed
Module 5: Create Your New Life With Confidence And Passion
Leave behind self doubt and guilt and enjoy what you came here for
- Love is the glue that brings it all together
- Self Love is not for sissies
- You deserve what you DeSire
Here’s how Say Yes To YourSelf program works:
When you sign up you’ll receive an email each week, starting Monday January 20th, with a link to that weeks module to listen to. It includes teachings, examples, meditations and Home Plork every week. (Plork is the new work for Play/Work. It’s much more fun that way.)
When you receive each new module on Monday morning (possibly earlier so you have the weekend to listen to it), go through the material and practice, practice, practice. The Home Plork is the way to implement the teachings and an important part to start rewiring your brain to move from the old behaviors into an empowered new you.
Then Wednesdays at 10AM PST each week (first live session January 22), we all meet for a live Q&A session, where you can bring your questions, experiences and celebrations and I’ll coach those who need more support. These coaching sessions are very valuable and you get to learn from other participants as well. Oh, we are all so similar and always benefit from hearing others experiences to enhance our own.
If you cannot make it to the call live, don’t worry. All coaching sessions are recorded and you’ll receive the recording after the call. If you have any questions that you’d like me to address, just email them to me ahead of time and I’ll do my best to address them during the live call.
This schedule repeats itself every week.
The program officially starts Monday January 20th with an email with the first download, and the first live call is Wednesday January 22nd at 10AM.
Money Back Guarantee
I am so confident that when you apply this 3 step formula and do your home-plork and attend the calls, that you’ll start feeling more confident and empowered. If after sincerely practicing the first 2 modules and you don’t feel I’ve delivered value, I am happy to give you back every dollar you spent on this program. Just email me and share with me your homeplork and let me know what’s been missing for you and I’ll return your investment.
Here’s what other participants say:
“After 6 decades of inner work!, I finally realized that I’ve been protecting myself from being vulnerable and distracting myself from feeling pain.” E.M.
“I have simply never been aware of this before. I used to be stuck in anxiety and guilt. When I followed these steps, it takes out the charge of it and instead opens the door to find a deeper part of myself.” A.B.
“I was very surprised when I awoke one morning filled with anger – anger at myself for all the times I had said yes when I really wanted to say no, and no when I wanted to say yes. Pernilla’s kind and gentle guidance helped me uncover that anger, which helped me take back my power.
I have now been able to move forward on my journey with the power to be true to myself; to say no when my body tells me to say no and yes when it’s time to say yes.” Ellarae M.
Join now now by clicking the button below
Say Yes To YourSelf
$197 is a small price to pay for such a precious ‘commodity’ as YOU, isn’t it! I’d bet if you went shopping in the mall, and you found your amazing beautiful Self there for this price, you would want her/him, right? This is the last time I am offering this program at this low price, so please jump on it while you can. I promise you that you won’t regret it. And you may bring a Friend for Free!
Yes, you can sign up and join this 5 week journey back Home to your beautiful Self. Your radiant Divine Self will wait forever, but why wait for what you’ve longed for your whole life, when it is so close?
Price: $197
Bring a Friend for Free!
When you sign up, please make sure you also add your name and info to the email list, so I can send you the modules, replays and Q&A links each week. please just fill out the form below
Unleash Your Confidence
I know you are worth it without a doubt. You’ll have access to me live once a week during the Q&A calls and I’ll support you during each step of the way. That’s certainly hard to beat for a transformation like that. Please join and transform into the beautiful Woman or Man you know is ready to come out all the way – and we’ll all do it together, so everyone feels safe and inspired to show up in a whole new way. The Way of YES to YOU.
Price: 197
Bring a Friend for Free
Pernilla Lillarose is a certified Hakomi Therapist and Certified Tapping Into Wealth EFT Practitioner. She’s been teaching Meditation and Mindfulness at UCSC since 2008, has written numerous books and hosted radio shows.
However, I prefer to call myself a Self Love Mentor and Spiritual Guide. This is how I share my greatest gifts to meet you with a Loving Safe YES in your most painful, scared and rejected places inside, that have not yet felt the safety and OK’ness to be themselves. Learning to say and Feel a Yes in all the places that have been rejected, resisted, shamed and blamed – in other words, have been said No to, is where true and lasting transformation happens.
Let’s do this together: Meet every part of you with unconditional Acceptance, Say YES to ALL of yourSelf using the powerful 3 step ALL Formula, and celebrate the true YOU as She/He unfolds into Safety and Love, to fully Embody and Integrate your True I AM Presence.
If you want to start in a more private setting, feel free to sign up for a free 30 min. Self Discovery Session to see if you prefer to work with me one on one. In these session we’ll discovery where you are in your life right now, what you want to experience instead and what is getting in your way. I’d be happy to connect with you.
ALL Love,