Dear Friend,
Let’s take a breath together first.
- Can you keep up with the ever increasing pace that is happening all around you?
- Do you feel rushed even though you don’t need to rush?
- Are you trying to fit more things into your day because everybody else is, or because you don’t know what to do with yourself if you are not busy?
I see so many people being busy without really needing to. Somehow life is piling up as if we need to get somewhere very fast, and get more things done in the day than is humanly possible. I don’t think these people are aware that that will never make them happy or feel fulfilled. I used to be one of ‘those people’ and know the stress and unhappiness that comes with it. Are you ‘one of them’ too?
I wish I could stand in the middle of the ‘road of busyness’ with a sign saying STOP!
Stop – pause – take a breath – notice yourSelf – and become aware of the pace that is naturally YOU. Can you stop long enough to tune into your own pace and take a real interest in it? Can you stay here long enough to start moving along with this pace instead of your current one? If you do, you may actually find something which you thought you were going to find outside of yourself.
Boldly going nowhere
I have a bumper sticker saying: “Boldly going nowhere” and most spiritual people smile because they know the deeper truth of that. But for today’s purpose, I want to address the busyness in the 3rd dimension. Maybe “Boldly and unconsciously going nowhere” fits better here. As long as we are doing it unconsciously, we are going nowhere, boldly, but without bringing a smile to our face.
I would love to bring some consciousness to that pattern and invite you to Stop and take a breath. As long as we keep rushing and trying to get somewhere out there, we miss the boat. The boat that sails on and as your own Current in the ocean of Life.
Your Current of Life
There is this delicious, peaceful Current that runs through everybody’s life. It has a different flavor and expression in each of us, but it is made of the same ‘stuff’. It is your task to find out what this ‘stuff’ is and how it moves and expresses itself as YOU. If you are in the fast lane it is difficult to notice the pace in the slower lanes. Will you slow down with me and listen to your specific Current and pace? And maybe shift lanes?
I am planning to address this tomorrow on my radioshow at AwakenedRadio
This subject is so alive in me and I want to share more of it with you. Please join me tomorrow Tuesday June 12 at 11AM PST in the chatroom, if you want to participate.
Radio Show
Soon I will start interviewing different people on that show on Tuesdays. Please stay tuned to some wonderful people who have found and are living their specific Current and would like to share it with you. When you find your own Current… that is when the fun begins.
Reawakening the Dreamer
On Tuesday June 26th I will be interviewing Catherine Ewing who is offering a free interview series with women who are at one or becoming at one with their Current. Her event is called “Reawakening the Dreamer” and I am fortunate to be one of those women. I will give you more information about how to listen to her event in one of my upcoming newsletters.
Free Discovery Sessions
On top of all of this, I am opening up several spots in my practice to offer you a free Discovery Session where we will explore your specific Vision and Current in Life and uncover what is getting in the way of you living it. We all need help finding our way back to our own Current, and one way that my Current likes to express itself is helping others find theirs. In a Discovery Session we will find out if I am the right ‘Current Guide’ to help you navigate back to yours. Sounds fun? Please check it out on my website by clicking on the link that says Discovery Session if you think this is your next step.
I look forward to ‘sailing’ with you Tuesdays at 11AM PST
ALL Love,
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