Dear Friend,
Stop Everything?
Do you ever experience running into a wall after having been on a roll, following your Heart and then suddenly ‘the roll stops’ for no apparent reason?
Well, that’s what I have been experiencing lately and it makes me wonder if I am not listening deeply enough for guidance and direction or … if I am missing something?
All I ‘get’ inside is a strong sense to slow down and just stop everything. “Do nothing” is what my Heart keeps saying.
It’s confusing because several months ago, I started moving swiftly with an Energy that was active, creative and inspired and it all just flowed. What happened?
It is easy to lose faith and think you are doing something wrong when the Flow suddenly stops. And it can feel scary to stop everything.
But when I do listen to the Voice that wants to stop, everything in me relaxes and helps me open up to my next unfolding… and it gives me a chance to leave yet one more layer of separateness behind (the one who thinks she is in charge).
It is a fine tuning of my Instrument so I can play in harmony with my Self, whether it means inspired action, stopping everything, or the dance between the two.
Our Deepest Fears And Our Deepest Longings
Moment to moment receptivity to this inner Movement is what is called for, no matter how weird or different it seems to the mind. Fully trusting every moment is not always easy, but I know there is no other way left anymore. Thank God!
With the Voice being this loud and the feeling that strong, I surrender! What a sweet relief when I don’t resist.
How about you? Are you ready to jump off the edge of your deepest fears into the deepest longing of your Heart, not knowing how it will unfold?
I had a conversation with my dear Friend Cindy Hudson, who shares the exact same message of Love as I do, about what it takes to walk that edge and jump.
I want to share her upcoming free call tomorrow with you:
Cindy is offering a free call tomorrow Monday 7/1/13 about our deepest longings and what it takes to move with the longing of the Heart instead of getting in its way.
We’ll discuss the places where we get stuck and learn how to move past them. (Hint: Be willing to fully experience these places and listen deeper to what wants to unfold in the next moment. In other words, do not resist it. Allow.)
Evolutionary Women Radio
I invited Cindy back on my radio show this Tuesday where we’ll talk about this same subject.
This is a hot topic that both Cindy and I want to shine Light on and share with you how to stay true to the natural unfolding of your Spirit.
Women Standing For Love Gathering Tuesday July 2nd.
There is more:
We are having our next Gathering this coming Tuesday. Please join WSFL Gathering on Tuesday July 2nd in Santa Cruz. We will explore the inner longings of our Heart and support each other in how to listen to it and trust it, so that together we start creating the New World fully supported by each other. How else can we create a new way of Being, unless we are all in this together?
It is a great place to feel supported and help each other give birth to the New unfolding waiting in each of our Hearts to be born.
The goal is to initiate smaller Circles of support, awakening and inspired action. This is where the power lies.
I hope to see you and learn what your Heart wants to give birth to.
ALL Love,
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