Dear Friend,
The Felt Sense Of Not Wanting…
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you know you are done with a certain way of being, yet don’t know how to stop or do it differently?
Stop – Slow Down – Listen
I’ve been in one of those experiences for a while as I am being prompted to leave the ‘doer’ behind. If you feel so moved, please listen to one of the latest broadcasts about it on Evolutionary Women Radio from 7/9/13 (The New Way) or 7/16/13 (“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit”) and join me tomorrow Tuesday.
I have stopped deeper than ever before: stopped marketing, trying to make things happen, following the latest trends in how to grow your business, serve more people, make more money, etc, etc
I stopped everything that is not necessary. Minimal computer time, no ezine (except today), no blogging, no new creations, no… no… no… It is amazing how everything changes and life is seen from a whole new perspective.
Inside my whole body was screaming: I just want to do nothing and see what happens.
Listening to this ‘inner scream’, facing the fears and being willing to embrace the felt sense of not wanting to do anything has been a powerful step. All the questions and concerns come up when I do that: what about the bills, what about my work, what about, what about, what about?
That answer is: I don’t know. All I know is that this busyness simply does not feel right anymore, and I am willing to take the risk and find out what it means. It is a necessary step out of the old paradigm into the unknown and being open to co-create the new.
How challenging it can be to fully embrace and Feel the deepest inner calling when it goes so against what everybody else is ‘doing.’
I will talk about it again tomorrow Tuesday at 11AM on Evolutionary Women Radio. I hope you’ll join me and share yourself.
ALL Love,
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