Getting Out of Your Own Way Tip #8
In yesterday’s post I mentioned how we become an outlet for the Divine Feminine Flow when we get enough of the boulders removed and how that taps us into the Field of Infinite Possibilities.
About a year ago when I started tapping into this Field more consciously, a poem wanted to be written, which I am sharing with you today. And I specifically would like to inspire you to get more curious about this Flow or Field.
As we liberate our energy that felt stuck in those familiar parking spaces, and start becoming aware of the Space all around us, we still need to know what this Space is all about besides feeling more Spacious. So today, let’s open up our curiosity to this Space or Field and make ourSelves available for It to show Itself to us. It’s a state of receptivity that we need to feel in order to open the door to It.
Limitless Untapped Potential
When you start ‘parking’ your now liberated awareness in this Field, you tap into something new, a limitless untapped potential. Here it’s a matter of staying open and curious to it without trying to fill it with what you think you know!
Let’s open up our attention and our Heart to receive anything that is freely given, just by Being open. My poem today describes part of my experience, and opens the door for you to walk through.
Today’s tip #8:
Shift Your Attention to the Field or Space that you live and move and breathe in and just Sit there with a receptive attitude.
Enjoy the Poem:
There is a Field Of Infinite Possibilities
of infinite possibilities
unlimited potential and
endless opportunities
where anything is possible …
everything you could ever think of
all the things your heart desires
and everything you say you don’t want
There is a Field
of infinite possibilities
unlimited potential and
endless opportunities
I find myself Here in this unlimited Field
Previously hidden from my view
which only knew to focus on limitations, lack, ‘have nots’ and ‘want nots’
thereby creating so many things I have now outgrown
In this Field, I am Creator, Curator and Conscious Contemplator
Now giving birth to my Heart’s Dreams – eyes open
If you feel stuck and unable to reach this Field,
your roots of the past are entangled and stuck
at the edge of your Vision
Uproot them, pull them back, set them free
and Be available for the limitless potential
of the essence of your Soul
There is a Field
of infinite possibilities
unlimited potential and
endless opportunities
Why do you choose limitations and lack
when a luscious loving liberated life is at hand?
When a Field of your wildest imaginations
needs you to express itself?
Move into this Field by leaving behind your past
Then, you can see the roots, the attachments, the addictions
holding you back from staying where you Belong
My Friend, you Are this Field
You cannot become it
You cannot earn it
or deserve it
Just place yourSelf there
Smack in the middle and stay,
while all the voices of the past,
the memories of your ancestors
the familiarity of who you pretended to be
entice you to come back
and shrink into the land of mediocracy
As if that could ever fulfill the Dream
that wants to burst out of your Heart
tear down the barriers
that seemed so big
and kept you small
They were just flimsy thoughts
you had bought into
The choice is yours now
What shall it Be?
Infinite possibilities?
Limitless potential?
Endless opportunities?
Or holding on to
lack and limitation?
Narrow view and vision?
Hopeless future without fulfillment?
If you want to play with me, you know where to find me …
ALL Love.
Learning to Follow Your Heart is like learning a new language. It’s easier to learn from someone who already speaks Heartish. By following your own Heart, you are at the edge of the Field of Infinity. You can learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow and how to enter this Field. Feel free to contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn you in the right direction – your own Heart!
Oh Pernilla…your poem is absolutely fantastic! How inspiring! How extraordinary! I do believe that poetry (and music) can move one into the next level…into a new consciousness! Thank you so much for sharing this! Within your poem I especially appreciate the part about uprooting your roots if one finds themselves “stuck”…and setting them free. What a fabulous vision to hold for anyone involved in change.
Thanks Sharon, yes, I still Love reading this poem mySelf and be reminded of something that is an ongoing deepening inside.
Your poem sent delightful tingles down my spine and left such a happy feeling in my heart. What a beautiful reminder to drop down into the still and silent place where All is born. I will sing your poem again and again!
Great Alison, I Love those ripples too. Often when poetry wants to be written it often gives me these sensations, which I now know is another way of this Field to make itSelf known
Your field of infinite possibilities sounds a little frightening to me… so many options. In jr high, we did a skills assessment designed to help us choose a career path, Out of 100 career options, my skills matched 98 of them. This left me more paralyzed than inspired.
Thank you for your reply, Lesa, and yes it can be a little – a lot- overwhelming when you stand at the precipice looking at this wide open field. I have noticed over the years how important it is to connect inside our Heart with what we really, really want. This is very hard for most people to find because we have been so conditioned to believe that we cannot have what we want.
It has taken me years to align with my Heart’s longing instead of floundering outside of it trying out things hoping to find fulfillment. Even though I never did the test you did, I have always been quite capable to do almost anything, but it never felt fulfilling so I kept trying other things.
Once I started listening to what truly matters to me I got more and more clarity and direction and knew I was finally moving towards true fulfillment inside.
It sounds like a score of 98 puts you in a category of someone with great skills, but without direction at a young age, it can be only overwhelming.
Knowing your skill level and excitement for the work you do now, I trust that out or the 98 score you found a few that fulfill you 🙂 Luckily we don’t need to experience them all.
When I started realizing this Field that I mention in the poem, it gave me a great great sense of relief because it busted the lie that I couldn’t have, do or be what I really want. From now on it is just a matter to dissolve any left over strands of this lie until I fully embody the truth of who I am.