The Power of True Commitment
Dear Friend,
I have learned over the years how powerful it is to commit to something – something that really matters to me – has meaning to me, and that so easily can slip out of my awareness because other things seem to be more important. Setting a new years resolution is different than truly committing to what matters to me. I have to feel it in my bones that this is really what I want in order for it to happen and in order for me not to bail out when the slightest resistance or challenge comes my way.
When I wrote my book “Imagine Being Kind to Yourself” I made a point to clarify how to really stay true to a commitment, because without true commitment things rarely change. Just think about how many new year’s resolutions have you made, only to break them again? The reason is that when you just think it is a good idea, and something you would like to reap the fruits from without really feeling the depth of the longing – how bad you really want it – and feeling a willingness to do whatever it takes, chances are that other temptations will get the best of you along the way.
Every time we commit to something without the deep feeling of wanting it, and then fall for old temptations instead, we start doubting ourselves that we really can change things. When you learn the power of truly feeling it in your Heart and in your bones, you are so much stronger and well equipped to follow through on what you are setting out on, and your success rate will sky rocket. Every time you succeed in one of your commitments and really make a change for the better in your life, no matter what area, no matter what circumstance, you start feeling better about yourself and more confident that you can do it. The snowball start rolling in the right direction now…
In the past few years, I have really learned about the power of True Commitment and feel I have become very successful at it.
Challenge or Commitment?
Today, I entered a 31 day challenge to blog every day. This challenge is different than one of those True Commitments. However, I like challenges at times, and am taking this one on to see how it will open up my creative writing juices. At the same time, I know there are days when I won’t be able to blog, and that is OK with me. So the commitment in this challenge is to have fun, be open and see what happens when I blog every or almost every day. I feel a lightness and joy in that. So just having taken on this challenge today, I already feel inspired to share more about True Commitment with you this month and will let you in on how this has worked well in my life when I really feel it in my Heart and the Fuel to follow through that comes with that. The commitment today is to the feeling of having fun and be curious to see how it unfolds.
Talk to you soon,
All Love,
Well said! Keep blogging, inspiring and being inspired. XO