Before I dive into this article, I want to pass on a wonderful free gift from my dear Friend Maja Rode (Our Awakening World), who created an interview series called The Reality of Self Love. Being interviewed by Maja is in itself already a Gift (you’ll see why when you use your ticket), and as one of the blessed interviewees, I am grateful to pass on this free ticket to you.
This ticket gives you free access till the end of April to all 10 interviews Maja has done so far. They are all posted on her website.
It’s all about Self Love, baby!
Make sure you go grab your gift now and make time for yourself to listen to all these inspiring and Life confirming interviews.
If There Is A Reality To Self Love, Why Now?
During a recent meditation, I had a beautiful Vision of Mother Earth giving birth to HerSelf. I saw how all of us – you and I – are little cells in Her body, consciously or unconsciously releasing the old gunk that we’ve all been so accustomed to. It looked like all these little cells collectively are rising above the darkness that has kept us locked into a contracted, limited, sick, unhappy, scared identity, totally disconnected from our Light.
It is beautiful to see how we truly ARE ONE. One conglomeration of cells making up all of Gaia.
If you are anything like me, you may also have been waiting for a long time for ‘something’ to happen.
Something what?
Well, some kind of shift so you can finally exhale and stop the waiting.
Waiting for what? Is it finally time that we start creating a new earth?
Maybe your life, until now, has been a preparation for where we find ourselves now: Gaia is going through Her awakening process! It Feels pretty obvious to me and I feel a sigh of relief that the waiting is over.
Many of us are here to assist during Gaia’s Awakening helping all cells be liberated.
So let’s root for a healthy, happy birth by realizing that we as the cells in Her Body need to go along with this awakening. We – you and I – ARE Gaia. Gaia can only wake up AS you and AS me, not separate from us. Let’s help Her in Her enlightenment process by lighting up our own cells and shedding all the darkness and separation from our own experience.
She is truly in the process of shedding all the darkness from the old paradigm while She’s rising up into a higher Frequency. And you and I are going through that same process. Please help it along by clearing your cells from the old paradigm.
This is where Self Love comes in. It’s a powerful solvent of that darkness, because darkness is really only the absence of Light. The best way to rise above this darkness is to fill it with Love – Self Love – Love for all the parts of you that you have been …. well … not loving.
Gaia needs your higher Frequencies of Love as much as you need Hers. Let’s make it a graceful beautiful birth for all of us.
And while we collectively are going through a huge shift, it can certainly bring up a lot of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of getting sick, fear of dying, fear of whom or what you can trust, how long it will take, how serious it is and what the impact will be for us all. It’s a big unknown and that can be scary.
Looking At It From A Different Angle
Sadly most people have never learned how to be with these scary emotions other than succumb to them and try to survive. And now you are being asked to rise above them?!
Have you ever experienced a time when you were really afraid, and someone came to hold you, listen to you and basically just love you, and you magically calmed down? You already know how fear responds when it is Loved, right? It relaxes. You feel lighter. You are more Light.
Now imagine how your own Love or Self Love can do the same? Imagine how Self Love can truly meet this fear, this pain, this anger and confusion head on – or shall we say ‘Heart 0n’.
And this is not to ignore that there are plenty of things we can be afraid of right now, so I’m not saying you shouldn’t be afraid. However, instead of being incapacitated by it, you can help your cell become part of this great awakening – simply by Loving it.
If it sounds too simple, which I agree with if it’s not put into practice, please give it a try before you dismiss it. I see it ALL the time in my private practice, how people relax, get grounded and even get wise!! when they start Loving the parts that had been deemed unlovable. Their Light increases. I’m not kidding.
Imagining that this turmoil we are all going through right now actually has a purpose, gives it more meaning, doesn’t it? When you take on that viewpoint, notice if you feel a little more inspired to contribute instead of lock down in fear. What happens inside of you when you see this as an opportunity to rise above the old ways, assist Gaia in Her awakening and be part of a big group of Souls who are doing the same? Doesn’t that shift your energy into more aliveness and empowerment? Maybe the insanity suddenly has meaning?
So please, go and listen to my interview at OurAwakeningWorld and learn the basics of the HOW TO. When you start practicing these Self Love steps from the interview (and which you can read more about in most of my writings), you BECOME this cell of Light. Not only do YOU feel better right away, but surprisingly, those you interact with will benefit from it too. Just by you shining your little Light cell, it is NOT possible to NOT impact everyone and everything around you.
To sum it up: When you learn how to liberate your energy stuck in doubting yourself, hating and judging yourself, blaming and shaming yourself, you suddenly become the ‘share holder’ of A LOT of energy. And now that it’s conscious and liberated, you may choose how to apply it and what you want to create with it.
Shall we….?
Now go and grab your free ticket to Self Love
Pernilla is a Self Love Mentor at DivineFeminineFlow. If Self Love is new to you, I welcome you to learn more about what it is and what it can do for you. Feel free to download my free ebook 5 Steps To Dive Into The Divine Feminine Flow and learn these simple yet powerful steps.
ALL Love,
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