Dear Friend,
The Importance of Women Supporting Women
- Have you noticed how good it feels to have your women Friends confirm your experience, because they are feeling the same as you do?
- Doesn’t it give you a boost to know that you are not alone with these feelings that you normally try to hide?
Vitamin F for Friends
I think the Vitamin F mentioned in the letter below is vital for women these days. And I am going to change it into Vitamin FF for Female Friends.
After eons of hiding our wisdom. comparing, competing and feeling not good enough, it is such a relief to know that we are not alone anymore, and that we can finally open up and share our deepest fears and gifts with each other.
The more you share yourself and your deepest wisdom, fears and longings with other women, you start realizing how similar we all are and how good it feels to know that. We are all experiencing the same and we don’t need to hide it anymore. Maybe we are finally realizing that there is nothing wrong with us?
I have noticed how so many women are sharing their Hearts with each other, knowing there is a different way to live this life and that there are solutions that will solve the world’s problems. How can it be otherwise?
We don’t need to hide our wisdom, love and compassion anymore. You don’t need to think your are crazy or that there is something wrong with you anymore. There isn’t. What your heart has been telling you all along was always true. It was just that there was nobody out there to confirm you and encourage you to trust it.
When we as Women share with each other in an authentic way, we break down the old beliefs that there is something wrong with us and that we need to be different in order to be loved, good enough, accepted … you name it.
It is so powerful to connect with other women in an authentic, safe and supportive way. Creating this safe space for women is what I love to do and what keeps me inspired and alive and makes me do things I had never dreamed of doing.
Can I Trust This?
When I first started tapping into this energy, I wasn’t sure if I could trust it – if I was just kidding myself and if I should just ignore it and try to be like everybody else. Well, for awhile I did ignore it, but it wouldn’t let me go. It wasn’t until I got support and confirmation from other women that I started listening to this energy in a more serious way. Eventually, after a lot of vitamin FF I felt courageous enough to start stepping out and do all sort of crazy things, I would never have considered even a year before.
So please make sure you get your dose of vitamin FF and share your deepest feelings and longings in a safe environment to help you find the trust and confidence that you need in this next stage of evolution.
Beautiful Letter
I received this letter below from a friend a few days ago, and I am moved to share it with you in the hopes that you will start adding this very important vitamin to your food pyramid.
“My Dear Treasured Friends and Special Acquaintances, this brief gratitude is for you, for even the smallest gesture of connection and acknowledgment can be that which makes a difference in our day and lives, reminding us we are not on this grand adventure alone Ever wonder “Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character?” and “How is it possible that I can get along with them all?”
I think that each friend helps to bring out “different” facets of us. With one friend I am polite. With another I joke – with another I can be a bit naughty… I can sit down and talk about serious matters with one. With another I laugh a lot. I listen to one friend’s problems. Then I listen to another one’s advice for me. There are my friends who understand me better than I understand myself. They’re friends who support me through good days and bad. There are friends who are my playmates, my spiritual co-evolvers, my nature buddies, and my sources of inspiration and assurance. There are friends who provide comfort for my heart, mind and body. And, there are friends who just check-in to let me know they were thinking of me…I love these kind of airwave hugs! You are all my teachers and my nourishment and part of my life’s mosaic dance. You are part of my personal treasure chest. A treasure chest of friends I feel most lucky and grateful for, in whatever capacity we serve each other.
So why it is essential to honor and maintain friendships: “Real Age” doctors tell us that friends are good for our health. Dr. Oz calls them Vitamin F (for Friends) and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our well being. Research shows that people in strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes.
If you enjoy Vitamin F constantly you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments, it decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%. I’m so happy that I have a healthy stock of Vitamin F!
In summary, I value all my friends and acquaintances and vow to keep in touch more frequently this New Year. When there are “tight spots” or “bumps” let’s open our hearts a little more and let love come in to relax the tension and illuminate the Truth so we may re-union our hearts, re-commit our love and our lives, even the smallest of gestures make a difference…Let’s help each other see the lighter side or even funny side of things and laugh together and pray for each other in the tough moments…” ~
With that, I am sending you a big wish for a beautifully fulfilling 2013 and beyond.
ALL Love,
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