Welcome to my Vision, my new website and my first blog post.
My Heart has so much it wants to share with you and the world, and I would like to start out with my Vision, that may not be so different from yours:
I see a world where we are living together in peace and harmony within ourselves, with each other and with our beloved Earth.
In order to make that a reality, we all need to start finding that peace within ourselves first. This has been my life’s mission and it is finally pushing me out of my comfort zone to start sharing that more widely. This blog is part of that, and I would like to invite you to contemplate the following:
Planting the Seed of Peace
Planting the seed of inner and outer peace takes just a few minutes — and it feels good! Here’s all you do. . .
1. Imagine that YOU are living in a world where we all live in Harmony.
Now please take your time and go inside to enjoy and explore that imagination for a while.
2. Then, ask yourself:
- Do you back off/give in?
- Do you feel like a victim?
- Do you question them?
3. What inspires you then?
Follow Your Inspiration
Now that the seed is planted, you can help it grow by giving it the warm sun of attention and by watering it with inspired action. Let yourself follow the inspirations that come when you let go of concerns and connect with the vision of peace in your Heart. Even if just for a moment.
Make Inner Peace a priority, no matter what comes your way.
4. Please share your Vision. Visions are to be shared, enjoyed and celebrated, so they can get a life and become fully created. I’d love to hear about your Vision.
All Love, Pernilla
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