Are You Too Busy To Eat A Healthy Meal![]() Why are you so busy? A while ago I had a conversation with some people who basically were too busy to make themselves a good healthy meal every day. Fast food was the only way to keep up with the pace.
Their life was mostly about rushing around from one seeming emergency to another, or trying to take care of everybody else, except themselves.I got really curious about this whole concept of being too busy
Really, when you stop and look at this, it does not make sense. What is the point of our lives?
How can we be too busy to be ourselves?? How can we be too busy to take care of ourselves? What can be more important than our natural divine unfolding?What are you hoping to achieve by ignoring yourself and being caught up in a pace that does not resonate with you? Feel free to share your findings here with us. Why Are You So Busy?I hope you are not too busy to take some time to reflect on this question. If you are too busy to do that, it’s even more important that you stop and do a little self inquiry. Being busy is not why we incarnated on this beautiful Earth. Fulfillment Is An Inside JobI think the underlying problem is that you may not be aware that there is a natural movement inside that will fulfill you life in a way that feels authentic and complete. If you are too busy to take the time to feel into what that is for you personally, you’ll stay in the fast lane chasing something that ……. what?
What are you chasing? Or what is chasing you? Why are you so busy? Please enjoy my poem called Too Busy?
My invitation to you today is to CHOOSE to get into the slow lane, then get off the road and stop, park yourself somewhere and go inside to listen to what you really want.Let’s take a deep belly breath together. Just pause for a moment and ask yourself from a very gentle and loving place inside what truly matters to you.Take your time. Allow the answers to come to you. Trust me, they are there. But when you live your life in the fast lane, you’ll miss all the signs and exits that lead to your fulfillment.Please enjoy some ‘slow time’ or down time today. Now is the very best time to start discovering what you really long for. And this cannot be found in the fast lane. I think it’s time to learn a little more about meditation and mindfulness. What do you think? I have plenty of support on my website and you can learn more about my work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. I also teach meditation and mindfulness at UCSC. If you want to learn more about mindfulness, please start with the Meditation & Mindfulness course. Feel free to contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn how true Self Love can turn your whole life around. |
I little smile crossed my face when i read this as for many years now i’ve thought and often say –
“The unimportant things take over the important things”
A friend of mine comes over for coffee not as often as she should, the children free to explore and play, we chat about our inner most feelings, do angel cards, discuss our spiritual thoughts and needs etc etc…
Whenever she leaves we both comment on how much better we feel, more in touch with ourselves and “the present” and how much our energies feel charged.. we feel clearer etc etc…
so why don’t we do it more often – because of rushing about ferrying children to activities, running between jobs, and the worst of all Cleaning!!… how can cleaning be more important than our times together… we always giggle of the silliness of it all, but we still do it….
Much love and light
Hi Kym, thank you for sharing your little story here. Yes, it is so strange that even though we know that nothing is more important than slowing down and going within, we still do it.
The pull from the outside is still so strong for many of us that it is easy to give into it. It takes a strong commitment to choose the ‘Within’ instead.
I usually get curious about what is so tempting about the outer pull, when I let it take me away from what truly matters.
It is an insightful inquiry.
ALL Love,
I eat really well. It is very different from how I grew up, and even how I have eaten for most of my adult life. I have tantrums (inside – on the outside I look very properly grown up grumpy) sometimes about the work required to buy, clean, prep, cook and even slowly chew all my lovely vegetables. It is new. It is important. I am learning to get steady and stop trying to be somewhere else while I do my work. Usually if I can just get started I am happy, content, glad to be nurturing my body. But if I am in a hurry, well, the internal mental grind goes on and on.
Great to hear from you Jennifer.
Yes it does not all come easy. Old programs won’t just give up because we commit to something that is better for us.
They won’t just ‘let you go’, will they!
I think awareness about the pattern is really important and then the next step is to choose from a deeper place than the familiar.
Good luck!
ALL Love,