OK, I’ve had it! Enough of seeing Women being underpaid, undervalued, and undermined without putting a stop to it. Especially when we as Women are doing it to ourSelves too! I’m just going to say it: Women Need A Raise!
It’s not that this is new to me – or to you. We all know that we’ve been seen and treated as secondhand citizens, even with the changes and improvements that have taken place. But let me tell you what I know now more than ever: We as Women need a raise and we have the Wisdom, the Knowledge and the Power to give it to ourSelves. You don’t need to fight the old world to get it, nor be in an inner battle about it. You and I have everything we need to step into our Divine Power and raise the bar of what it means to live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life – while making a difference in the world.
On top of that, I know that we also have what is needed for making that difference. ‘All you need’ is to face the fears, pains, beliefs, doubts and traumas that live in your nervous system. I know! They feel so real, don’t they. It feels so true that you are not good enough and these feelings act like they have the upper hand. Well… they don’t!
I purposely wrote ‘all you need’ in quotes, because I know it takes everything, and this deeper transformational work is not for sissies. It’s for you and me, Awakening Women who are ready to put a stop to this.
Let’s Raise The Bar
It’s time to raise the bar, Ladies, and move through these layers of the old paradigm that have kept you small, voiceless and powerless.
These layers are tricky, sneaky, believable and seductive and we’ve fallen for them long enough. I mean, come on, they are boring and unfulfilling by now, aren’t they?
If you have read my previous blog posts, you probably already know about the new work I’m offering. It’s called Tapping Into Wealth. This work has left me amazed at how I was still unconsciously – on a Feeling level – trying to fit mySelf into the old belief that it’s greedy, selfish and embarrassing to charge ‘more’ when people are struggling to get by. I’ve bought into the belief that it is not safe to be seen in my power and that I don’t have the right to Be Me!!
I live in Santa Cruz and am surrounded by really Lovely, Loving and Conscious people. They have great energies, intentions and inspirations to make a difference in the world. The problem is that so many of them don’t have the money to manifest these Dreams that can make a big difference in the world.
I’m all for Being Loving and Conscious, but somehow that doesn’t penetrate deep enough into the underlying layers that keep you stuck in the lack mentality. You’ll recognize it as ‘not enough,’ ‘I’m not enough,’ ‘I’m not good enough.’ I don’t have enough,’ ‘I don’t deserve more.’
What is the Law of Attraction attracting into your life? What is ‘not enough’ in your life? I am sure there is plenty of ‘enough’ too, such as Divine downloads and immensely inspiring Wisdom, Dreams and Visions. However, what is stopping you from seeing it manifest?
The Law of Attraction is always at ‘work’. It’s not something that suddenly gets activated when you get a ‘download’, try to set bigger goals for yourSelf, or become Loving and more Conscious. This Consciousness needs to penetrate down deep into the old paradigm of lack, limitation and ‘not enough.’ This Light of Consciousness needs to show you that it is only a thought and is not real.
Your lack of outer manifestation is exactly the expression of what your inner Frequency of ‘not enough’ is vibrating at. You need to raise the dimmer.
Let’s start raising your Frequency, so your income can raise along with it, so you can raise your impact in the world, so you can help raise the living standards for those still stuck in ‘not enough’, so you can be a living example of what is possible outside of this old model of ‘not enough.’
Women Need A Raise
We simply need a raise on many levels, so we can make the changes that inspire us from within. You and I Know exactly what is not working in the world, and we have some really great answers, downloads and ideas about how to change that. The problem however, is that many still lack the confidence, a sense of worthiness,the know-how and money to make it happen. That sounds like ‘not enough,’ doesn’t it, and that’s what the Law of Attraction ‘vibrates’ right back to you.
I’ve spent many years learning how to market my work and reach the people, who can benefit from it.
Not too long ago I started facing and transforming deeper layers of this old paradigm in mySelf. All I can tell you is that the feeling of stepping out of it is amazing, empowering and liberating. It puts me right into the direct experience of my Authentic Self, where ‘not enough’ doesn’t exist. It leaves me with an Energy that seems unstoppable at times. I’m still learning to ‘ride this wave’ and not be overwhelmed by it. Whew! Amazing! If you want to get on this ride too, please check out my program called Tapping Into Wealth. I guarantee you, that it touches in on all these limiting feelings and beliefs that unconsciously show up in your outer life as ‘not enough.’
I realized that I had lowered my internal set point to match what I thought people in my town could afford. And truthfully, Santa Cruz, as Lovely as it is here, has a poverty consciousness. Many of those lovely people can barely afford housing and have to downsize and share housing with others to be able to live here. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with downsizing or sharing housing. I admire those who use this opportunity to exit the greed/more/bigger/better mentality to live more simply. I live with a number of wonderful housemates mySelf, which gives a great sense of community. I am all for that!
However, there is another side to this.
What about the Dream in your Heart that cannot come to full fruition because you can’t afford
- to make a nice website so you can reach your ‘Tribe’
- to go to a powerful training and learn how to successfully market yourSelf
- to hire an assistant who knows SEO, Social Media, program creation etc
- to join other groups who support each other in stepping out of the old paradigm
- to see a naturopath, holistic dentist of other health practitioner to get your health back online
- to buy organic healthy food to sustain the vitality you need to keep going
- to take time off for a retreat so the Divine can catch up with you
- to take 3 days off a week and start a new trend
You may recognize yourself in that ‘not enough’ category (even if you live outside of Santa Cruz), and feel stuck, overwhelmed and in need of direction.
Don’t worry! We all go through that phase when we start stepping up. However, you don’t need to stay there for years. You can get help and support to get out of ‘not enough’ much faster now.
The Old Paradigm Lives In Your Nervous System
The limiting feelings of ‘not enough’ go so deep and are so unconscious that you may not even know they are there. We have ALL picked up beliefs of ‘not being good enough’, fears of being greedy, and vows of poverty along the way. Nobody is free from them. However, we do need to get to know and transform them, so we can become a new version of ourSelf as the higher Frequency.
When I went through this work mySelf, I had to face a lot of limitation in mySelf. I was afraid to be seen as greedy, powerful, too big, too much, successful and so much more. I had to face my vows to stay invisible, be loyal to others’ smallness (I say that respectfully), and not having the right to Be Me. I had to face my unconscious inner battle in spite of all the inner work I had already done.
I’m not saying it’s all gone, but the tight energy around it has loosened up tremendously. This gives me permission to be present with it in a new way and not be a prisoner of it.
There is a lot more to it, and it’s an ongoing deepening and clearing with no stones left unturned. Seriously, I want ‘my’ Divine Frequency to be as pure and high and powerful as I can manage in this lifetime. How about you?
The Awakening Woman Has A Lot To Contribute
As Awakening Women we have something very valuable to share with the world and it’s very different from what is considered valuable in the conventional male world:
- Care
- Cooperation
- Presence
- Love
- Equality
- Intuition
- Connection
- Coherence
- Community building
- Synchronicity
In our society we are used to putting a $ amount on something that we value. You already know that the $ amount on these qualities above is very low, right? Think about nurses, school teachers, care givers, mid wives, house cleaners, landscapers etc.
Where do you put your value? Do you agree that a care giver should only earn $12-25 an hour, or a nanny receive minimum pay? Unconsciously we have all bought into this, but now that we are becoming conscious, we can finally choose differently.
Coincidentally, as I was writing this article, I listened to a wonderful Woman who is totally in Her Feminine Power. She is very successful, makes a big difference in the world and makes plenty of money to live a beautiful life. On top of that she has plenty to spend on making the world a better place. Her name is Zhena Muzyka from Zhena’s Gypsy Tea.
Wow, did she ever inspire me! She also confirmed what I was in the midst of writing here. How synchronistic is that! Please listen to her and let yourSelf be filled up.
And did you see the movie RBG? Another amazing Women who made a huge difference in the world by Being herSelf and changing the course of history for Women.
You Are Going To Need A Raise
If you are a Women who really Feels deeply in your Soul that you have a unique piece of the puzzle for the solution of the worlds challenges, please
- Consider uncovering the deep unconscious inner conditioning that stops you from stepping up and out into the world, doing what you know you are good at and… charge well for it. You are going to need this money
- Go inside and Listen to your Soul about what kind of life you want to live and what kind of life you want to help others live. In other words, set a goal for what you really want and Love. Very likely you are going to need money to bring this Dream to life.
- Realize that in order for this Dream to come true, you may still need to learn a lot of practical things in order to manifest and materialize it. This will cost money, which is why you are going to need it.
Obstacles To Raising Your Frequency
Can you do your inner and outer work
- when you share your life with housemates, partners and family who don’t support you in raising your Frequency?
- when you keep spending your hard earned money on repairing your car, paying your dental bills or paying off your student loan?
- when overwhelm, stuckness, distraction, texting, emails, social media fill up your life?
- when most of your life force is spent on worry to make ends meet?
Of course not.
Does it sound like having more money in your pocket would support the overflowing Dreams that keep knocking at your door?
If you are already in the process of creating your Soul business, and are trying to do it all yourself, what is that like for you? Do you feel overwhelmed, discouraged or even disgusted with all the techie stuff that you need to learn ON TOP OF getting your business off the ground? I get it! I totally get it. It’s part of fitting the square peg of the old paradigm into the round hole of the New. Remember how you learned that you should be able to do it all on your own? And that it’s embarrassing to ask for help? And that it costs money to hire someone to help you?
This is not the world we want to recreate. In the New world we work together, we care, we support, we listen, we Love, we laugh, we rest, we……
Honestly, you’re going to need an assistant. Someone who has made it Her life’s work to support people like you. She also needs to be paid well, so she can take time away from her kids, knowing they get great child care and that she can afford paying for it. Well, here again, you are going to need money to pay her well, so she can pay her child care Angel well etc.
So much of what is holding us back from creating the New Paradigm is the lack of means. The feeling of lack shows up in your outer life and is intimately connected with your nervous system. The fight/flight/freeze response stuck in your nervous system from having lived through an era of ‘not enough,’ is where your work begins. As it releases there, you’ll have more Energy, Inspiration and Confidence to make a difference in the world.
Your Work Is Needed Now
The work you do is VALUABLE, NEEDED and ESSENTIAL in order to bring about a whole new Frequency on the planet. Aren’t you Dreaming of a world where there is ENOUGH for everyone, where caring for others is valued as high as getting your cavities filled at the dentist, or as hiring a lawyer to settle a dispute?
A world where your innate Feminine Intuition is trusted as much as or more than the mental constructs focusing on more profit, more money and being better than others?
Communities that plant trees instead of cutting them down, have water catchment systems instead of making that a criminal act, and farms that value quality over quantity?
Your Work Is Needed Now
Pardon me for repeating mySelf, but we all need to be reminded of this.
I don’t know what your area of expertise is, but I do know that whatever it is that you offer needs to find an outlet. It’s not doing the world a lot of good if your low Frequency keeps you small, hidden and invisible.
It’s specifically your internal money paradigm that reveals what you value. It tells you that you can’t charge so much. It makes you doubt the value of your work. It stops you from getting a raise in order to raise the bar for all Women on the planet – and of course the rest of the world too.
When you step out of the old paradigm you’ll likely encounter resistance inside and out. This is normal and happens for a good reason. You are pushing against the old paradigm, which by it’s very nature IS opposed to the New. So don’t worry about it. It shows that you are on the right track. Just keep expanding.
Please get curious about your own beliefs, vows, set points and worthiness around money, success and stepping out of old limitations. Do you want to Become and Be a Women who Knows her Value and has something important to bring to the world? What is stopping you?
Together we can turn the downward spiral around and make it go upward instead. A rising spiral of Women who raise their Frequency, raise their output into the world, raise their sense of worthiness and raise their income. When YOU do that, you can afford to give your assistant a raise in Frequency, output, worthiness and income. Then she can afford to give her nannies a raise, so she can afford whatever she needs to raise her Consciousness to her next level.
Not only CAN we turn the tide – we MUST.
It starts with YOU. It starts with YOU raising YOUR Frequency. It starts with YOU doing your inner work to step out of this paradigm of ‘not enough’ and into your Authentic Abundant Being.
And you don’t need to figure it all out on your own.
If you Know this is all true for you, but don’t know where to start, why don’t you start here: Book a free Clarity-Discovery Session with me so together we can get Clarity about where you currently find yourSelf, where you want to Be, and what is getting in your way. If we both Feel we are a good match to take this journey together, I have several programs to help you get there. In the meantime, please download my free book 5 Steps To Dive Into The Divine Feminine Flow to start you out, or read some of my other blogposts for inspiration and encouragement.
Hi dear what lovely write up.Great to read.Thank you for sharing.