6 Steps To Become Your Own Wonder Woman
Admittedly, I am not a super hero movie fan by any means, but when I heard about Wonder Woman, I couldn’t stop myself. Not even knowing what it was about, I just had to go see this movie. Guess what: I’m planning to see it again – soon. If you already saw it, Would you consider Wonder Woman an awakened Woman?
The movie touched something in me that Felt really good, like a permission to let my inner Wonder Woman – my inner She-ro – come out more. It’s not so much the sword and the shield that touched me, and it’s not the fighting that she engages in either. No, it’s deeper than that. Much deeper.
What was it that touched me? Why is this movie at the top of the box office? How come all my awakened friends rave about it? What does this Shero ignite in all these movie goers?
Is Wonder Woman An Awakened Woman?
The word ‘awakened’ can mean different things to different people and all depends on who you ask and from what perspective they see it. I recently wrote an article about what are you awake to to give give a broader perspective on all aspects of awakening.
In this article I like to address She, the Divine Feminine aspect of us who has been suppressed, ignored, undermined, taken advantage of, silenced and mostly put to sleep. She is the one who lives under this thick layer of compromise, self doubt, unworthiness and shame and She has been stirring in many of us for some years now. She wants out!
I Sense that this movie is inviting us to break free from the suppression of the Divine Feminine that we have been experiencing in this earthly dimension. My Calling as a Self Love Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow is to help us all wake up from this slumber and get back in touch with Her inherent Values, Inner Flow and Expression. This Flow is free and alive and Her Expression is powerful and transformative.
When we can muster up the courage to dive into Her Flow and be Guided and Moved by it, all of Heaven breaks loose.
When I see a Woman in her True Feminine Power, I feel touched and inspired. I Love Her Feminine uncompromising energy to just Be herSelf without making a big deal of it.
I think we all benefit from being around Women who have fully stepped into their Awakened Feminine and are able to enjoy just Being themSelves.
In my experience, our ‘Shero’ Wonder Woman represents that aspect of an Awakened Woman and I want to invite you to consider some steps you can take to embody your own version of an Her.
I’m not suggesting we need to go out there and fight wars like in the movie. Instead, let’s replace the physical fights with our inner emotional and mental battles and learn how we can win those in our own lives.
6 Steps To Become Your Own Wonder Woman
I wish we could all have grown up on an island like Themyscira, where Wonder Woman Diana was born. Here her strengths are acknowledged, encouraged, activated and empowered. Any defeat is blamed by: “You keep doubting yourSelf,” and she gets the support to trust in her own power. With such an upbringing, I’m sure your life and mine would have looked completely different from what we experienced when we grow up.
However, even though we were not born into that kind of world, we can still use it as a model for what is possible right now with the right allies and support.
It’s not too late to experience what it Feels like to receive that kind of support in your life and be nourished and celebrated for your inner strengths.
~Imagine connecting with a group of like-Hearted Women who choose to support each other’s gifts and strengths. Imagine those Women encouraging everyone to unfold into their own unique expression and celebrate that. Can you imagine being celebrated for ‘just being You?’ Who comes to mind that you can create such an opportunity with? -
Diana’s mother Hippolyta told her that “the world of men doesn’t deserve you.” Please try not to interpret her remark as a put-down of men, but instead as a message that says: ‘You Deserve the best.’
What if your parents had given you a message like that? Could that have saved you from a lot of relationships of compromising your truth and values?
Imagine walking through life, knowing your worth without feeling the need to compromise that ever.
~What kind of support do you need today to help dissolve this misguided message of unworthiness, so you’ll never be tempted to compromise like that again? -
Diana is not afraid of being different than others. Actually, she is so comfortable in herSelf that it doesn’t even phase her that she is not like everyone else. She doesn’t compare herSelf with others and she doesn’t even know about trying to fit in. She is just herSelf. She does not hold herSelf back when others tell her “no.” Instead she doesn’t waver: “What I do is not up to you.” Bingo!
~Would you be open to taking a leap and just speak your truth in a group of people, who see things differently than you? Could you allow them to have their own experience without believing it has anything to do with you? “What I Value, is not up to you!” Bingo! -
When Diana arrives in the trenches on one side of ‘No-man’s-land,’ she can’t just stay put, while people are being killed on the other side. Not trying to stay safe or following the orders of those in the trenches, she steps into her Wonder Woman Energy and crosses the line. She is single-focused on the goal she came here for and is independent of anyone else’s beliefs or opinions.
~What line do you need to cross to be true to your Calling and step out of the trenches of safety where everyone else is hiding? -
Against all odds, Diana moves through no-man’s-land with only her Inner Power and her shield, as well as a full tank of determination to reach her goal. She is met by bullets and bombardments from all
angles, and yet … she does not lose sight of her goal to help the people on the other side. Her shield and Divine Energy return the bullets to their senders and she safely arrives on the other side.
~Is there any goal that you want to reach, that needs your own kind of Divine Connection and shield to fight off the opinions, judgments and funny looks from family, co-workers, friends and neighbors? What kind of shield or sword do you need to neutralize any beliefs of self-doubt and unworthiness that normally would keep you in the trenches? -
In all her fiery feisty fighting scenes, she expresses her masculine energy very well. However, she is not out of touch with her softness and Femininity. She remains present and receptive to her environment and quickly returns to her softness after each battle. She balances these 2 Energies well and is not afraid to be in one or the other, depending on what the situation calls for.
~How can you balance a ‘Yes’ to your Feminine Receptive Energy along with a strong Masculine Energy of ‘No’ to any suggestions to turn away from your own Wisdom, Vision and Calling in your life?
Wonder Woman, Are You Ready?
To me this movie really invites the Collapsed Feminine in all of us to rise again. It asks us to do whatever it takes to stand upright in the face of the remaining degradation of the Feminine – inside and out. Together, we can awaken that latent Wonder Woman who lives in your Heart and Soul and empower Her to take back her Loving Sword and Shield of Love and bring that Love to all the places in your life as well as on earth that could use some of this potent Medicine.
Wonder Woman, are you ready?
You can learn more about my work as a Self-Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow. Feel free to contact me for a free 30 min. Discovery Session to learn if Self Love Mentoring can help you experience more Love, Peace and Joy in your life and how True Self Love can turn your whole life around. Also, make sure you download my free e-book, 5 Steps To Dive Into The Divine Feminine Flow which will help with the next phase of Self Love.
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