Your Heart is Safe
Dear Friend,
Commitment is not just a headstrong decision you make and then put a lot of effort and force into reaching your goal. It can be that, and it is for a lot of people, and is the main reason why the goal is never reached. The mind is certainly a part of making commitments, and by now you have probably realized that there is more to the story. The other part of the commitment is to feel it in your body. This is the fuel and the fire you need to reach your goal.
Another way of looking at it, is making your priorities conscious and clear. Is the longing in your Heart really #1 on your list? Or is it safety, convenience, comfort and familiarity? If you are like most of the human race, unconsciously the latter four are probably your #1. But only as long as they remain unconscious can they run the show. Once you see that, you can start questioning: “Is that really what I want? Is that how I want to spend the rest of my life, feeling safe, comfortable and familiar?” Well, partly yes! Let’s face it, we all are creatures of comfort. No need to deny that. But is that all we are? Is that all you want? Of course not.
I want to shine some light on the unconscious decisions and vows we have made to stay safe and to fit it. Once the spotlight is on them … they are toast! Now you are in charge and you can choose what you want besides feeling safe and comfortable. The way most of us have made safety a #1 priority on our list at the expense of our Heart, is because we don’t trust our Heart yet. We don’t know what it means, what it will look like and if it will work out for the best, so we go back to default: Safety only, please!
Listening to your Heart does not mean you won’t be safe or comfortable, even though the mind may convince you otherwise. Listening to your Heart is Safety itself, but only when you have fully surrendered to it. Until you do, the fearful part of you is in charge and is doing everything it can to stay safe, and to keep you safe and frankly does not care about your Heart’s longing. Your Heart is Safe, and you will only realize that as you start to commit to it. Only then will you find out. Right in the midst of the experience of listening and trusting your Heart will you start realizing that your Heart is safe.
So, yes, there will be some discomfort in this process, but that is only in the ‘transferring state’ between your mind and your Heart. Once you are ‘in’ you are safe. Of course you are also safe when you are not ‘in’ yet, but you won’t know that yet until you are ‘in’.
Let’s jump in. It starts with listening to and feeling your Heart and what it longs for. You will feel it when you pay attention and give it a chance to speak to you. Maybe the discomfort is really just the thrill of letting go of the familiar and expanding into something bigger, funner and more alive.
Are your ready…..
ALL Love,
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